Chapter 17: More people

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Jade was in their living room with the items still spread out on the table. Carefully, she pours the mixture of her and the demon's blood onto the Howlite stone. The stone absorbed the mixture, turning its chalk-white color into an inky black color; putting down the bowl, she smiled at the result until a velvet red color began to spread throughout the stone like a spider web before it shattered into pieces.

"Tsk. I put too much of my blood in this batch," Jade groaned, rubbing her eyes. 'Get your act together; you need one more before you're free to go on leave.'

Jade picked up the pieces and placed them into the bucket with the rest of the failures. She eyed the last two remaining Howlite stones and was about to grab one when her eyes were suddenly covered. The honeycomb smell told her that Yuma had used one of her bodywash to clean himself up.

"It's time for break." Yuma whispered into her ear after kissing her. He frowned when Jade pushed his hands away and continued doing what she was doing.

"I can take a break later." Jade muttered as she took the last vial of demon blood and slowly poured it into the bowl to stabilize the mixture.

"Fine, I would hate to interrupt your progress." Yuma sighed, removing away from the focus woman.


"I thought you would like to go and visit Aspen to check on his condition," Yuma said loudly as he slowly approached the door. Jade halted her stirring and looked at him wide-eyed. Yuma reached out for the doorknob. "I will make sure to tell Maria hi for you."


Yuma smirked as he heard shuffling behind him. He looks back towards his frizzled wife, holding the door open for her. The base was busy and peaceful with the women doing their duties around the base like usual.

"Hey, Sheep Boy! Jade!" Maria greeted them as they stroll pass, instead of holding the usual building materials for work. She was currently having her hair down, leading against the wall to her house. "Finally got her out and meeting the sun."

"Yep!" Yuma said happily while Jade rolled her eyes. "Staying indoors is not all that good for a person's health."

"I can agree with that," Maria agreed, placing down the wooden turtle with the other animals she crafted. "See ya around."

"It's a beautiful day," Yuma mused as he looked up at the clear blue sky. He held Jade's hand tightly, swaying it back and forth. He never felt more in peace in his life. "What should we do today? And do not say anything about working; that is all you've been doing for the last week."

"I guess we can go sightseeing," Jade replied, leaning on him. "As long as we do not go too far off, we should be safe."

"That's a good idea!!" Yuma stated excitedly as he thought about what type of vegetable he would see and probably harvest. He was finished plowing; he just needed some seed. He hopes to find a strawberry bush, maybe even tomatoes if he is lucky. Jade rolled her eyes at Yuma's excitement, knowing exactly what was on his mind.

Surviving the BeastworldOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora