Chapter 43:- Am I Drunk?

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Radhe Radhe readers💙🦚✨,

"Brothers are always ready to protect their sister from every threat."~ Unknown

"~ Unknown

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The second most powerful mafia after us. I knew even after facing defeat from our grandfather, they would doubtlessly return to take our position.

But I never knew that they had the guts to shoot my sister. They'll pay for this. For every tear that left my sister's eyes. For every single moment, she was in pain. They have called upon the devil.

"Yes Matteo, Voglio ogni singola informazione su quei bastardi Entro oggi, ad ogni costo. Spero di potermi fidare di te?"

(Yes Matteo, I want every single information about those bastards by today at any cost. I hope I can trust you?)

"Sì Capo" He replied and I ended the call, contented with his answer.

Matteo has been our grandfather's one of the most trusted man. He has worked for my father as well for the last 12 years of his life. He usually used to handle the stuff in the Italian Mafia whenever our dad wasn't available.

If Dad had been here, he would've burned down the world for just a single scratch on his princess. Let alone the fact that the Germans shot her. I wish he was here, he could've taken care of her better than me.

I heard a knock on my office door, "Come in".

Eshaan entered, of course, it must be him. "Zian what's the update with the Germans? Did Matteo track their locations?" He looked concerned. I raised a brow, silently questioning him.

"We need to send Samaira to the hospital tomorrow to get the stitches off her. I just wanted to make sure about her safety, you know" He rubbed the back of his neck, not matching my eyesight.

"I'll send extra security with her, who's going with her?" I inquired as we all have decided to not leave her alone after experiencing the immense fear of losing her. That too everything was our fault. We failed as her elder brothers. I failed as her big brother. I could keep my brothers safe but not my sorrella.

I may suck at showing it but I care about her...heck, I love my little sister more than anyone in this world. She's my lucky charm. My baby sister. She means everything to me. She's my child irrespective of the fact of how much her mother claims of raising her.

The boys are right, she's my favorite. She doesn't need to know though. I do feel jealous seeing Samaira comfortably laughing and smiling with my other brothers while with me she is always walking on her toes. I also want to have a good relationship with my baby sister. It's not like if she even did a single thing wrong, I'll eat her up.

I have felt myself changing around her. My cold facade faded away at every instance, she was with me. It almost brought me to tears as I heard Ishir telling me about her getting shot. Seeing her covered in blood almost killed me. I can't even imagine what I would've done if she...

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