An Ultimatum

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My Mom stopped by on Monday at lunch and enjoyed pita bread filled with veggies and hummus while cuddling Milo. She was relaxed and doted over her grandson, cradling him close and refusing to put him in the Moses basket so she could eat with both hands.

I filled her in on our encounter with Mary Farnsworth the previous day.  She let out a long sigh, toying with Milo's mohawk.  "We spoke to a few people at church yesterday but everyone was excited to see photos.  The people who were critical when you were pregnant now pretend they have always been supportive."

"We know the truth, though.  We know what really happened." I agreed. "Will and I saw a few people when we were at the ice cream parlor on Friday and their kind smiles were a big difference compared to how I was treated before Milo was born."

She smiled at my words, "Exactly, Sophie.  Your Dad and I are so thankful for how well both Will and Addison have handled everything.  I was surprised he took to the idea of being a Dad so quickly but now that I've been able to get to know him it makes sense.  Will is a good man."

I grabbed my phone and showed her the photos Addy took the previous day on our walk.  My Mom gasped and shot me a bright grin.  "Can you send me the second one? I was going to start work on our Christmas letter so I can add that along with family photos from Naomi and Daniel."

"Of course.  I have a few others I want to get printed as well as just random shots that we love."

"How do you think school is going to go?  Will you wait til next semester?"

I hummed, adding another scoop of veggies to my pita bread, "Both are pretty easy design and English classes so I think I'll be good.  I am taking on some tattoo client contracts but even if I took an entire year off I'd have way more than enough to be fine without tapping into my long term savings or stocks. For now I want to focus on finishing school and just doing the art pieces I know will fit my style. None of my main clients have anything they need until next year so we're set there, too."

My Mom smiled down at Milo, "Your Mommy is very smart, baby boy, and has been wise with her money for a long time."

"You and Dad were a good example. Addison is used to having everything handed to her but has adapted easily to this new lifestyle. She even started looking for coupons in the ads when we got to the store so we could save a bit more. Oh, and the shopping spree she had at the thrift store with $50? I was impressed."

"Does she have any money?"

I shook my head, "I set up a checking account for her and Will and I agreed we wanted her to get settled with school before starting any kind of part time job.  Honestly, the Cosmetology school tuition is a drop in the bucket compared to some of the contracts I get.  We agreed she would help around the apartments with cooking and cleaning which has been amazing.  I have barely done laundry since before Milo was born and she actually enjoys dishes. It's a win/win."

"That's a great way to help her get used to this. She can see the benefit of cleaning as you go and learn how to handle basics for when she is actually on her own."  Mom smiled softly as Milo started to fuss.  "Is it feeding time?"

"Almost.  He's been going 4 hours between nursing which has been wonderful."

"You get to sleep?" She asked with a grin.

I nodded, "Exactly.  Will is amazing, too.  He has handled almost every diaper change when he's home and takes care of burping then getting Milo settled as well.  Will also does a lot of the cleaning with bottles and my pump when needed.  I still work around the apartment, of course, but he is so willing to dive in the moment he walks through the door."

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