Like a Phoenix

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I took another nap after dinner then handled dishes while Sophie decided which projects she could begin taking over the following week.  She was trying to ease back into work and decided to start with a contract Davis sent over for a tattoo client.

They seemed to work well together. Their messages were a brainstorming session each time, with Sophie clearly respecting the tattoo artist while he relied on her perspective and intuition for design. I was excited for us to get a night out so I could take her to my favorite local watering hole when Davis was there bragging about the artwork she designed.

Sophie has the kind of creative energy that is impossible to avoid when you are in her presence.

Watching her create was magical.  Her eyes lit up with ideas as she sketched on her iPad, concentrating on every stroke of her stylus then pausing occasionally to analyze the artwork before continuing. She had a special black glove covering part of her right hand to keep it from interfering with the touch screen which I had never realized was a thing.

"What do you think?" she asked, holding the screen so I could see her work.  It was a stunning Phoenix with wings spread wide and all I could do was stare. Her green eyes were wide and lips slightly parted as she inhaled, trying to steel herself against any criticism I could have.

"Wow... this is incredible..."

Sophie's expression shifted into pride with her work, nose scrunching as she grinned at me. "I was kinda scared I would lose my creative spark when I had Milo but if anything it's made me even more determined.  I want to keep handling the contracts that fit my style and time.  Now that he's on a good schedule and I'm getting regular naps it helps my focus, too."

"I was dying for a nap earlier today so crashed in the gym teacher's office for a few during my planning hour.  He and I are buddies and his wife just had their second baby so he gets it." I shared. "Caleb is one of the first people at school that I told about Milo. It's been great to have someone nearby that understands."

"Makes sense.  It would be nice if there was time to come home for a bit at lunch but that's not really how it works when you're a high school History teacher."

She returned to her work while I flipped through YouTube to find something to watch. There were papers to grade and more lesson plans to work through but all I wanted was to unwind with our little family.

Milo stirred so I got him changed while Sophie sent her initial design ideas to Davis, including a few tweaks he could mention to the client in case it was needed. She suggested color pairings and size options depending on location, too.

"Once he eats I'm gonna get some sleep," she said with a stretch while I brought Milo to the Master as she got ready to nurse.

"Sounds like a good idea.  We have to sneak as much sleep as we can when he lets us."

"Maybe it's a sign Milo will be stretching out his feeds and eating more each time."

I grinned, "Come on, Soph, you can't tease me like that."

She laughed as he latched on, deftly stroking the dark mohawk on his head.  "What a dream, huh?  He really is such a good eater and so easy to care for.  My mom told me horror stories about how my brother had colic and would only soothe when being walked around so she and my Dad spent every night passing Daniel between one another like a baton."

"I didn't even think of that..." I sighed, slouching back against the headboard and rubbing Milo's back as he ate.  "We lucked out."

Sophie met my eyes and grinned, "In more ways than one."

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