Chapter 20: Broken Trust

Start from the beginning

"We should ask Maki too!" Yuji said.

You hesitated, glancing at Megumi for some semblance of rational objection. However, even he seemed on board with the idea. "If you want to go, you should," he said.

Damn it Megumi. That wasn't what you were hoping to hear. At if it was that simple.

Nobara leaned in, her eyes twinkling. "And just so you know, if you don't come with us willingly, we'll force you."

A resigned sigh escaped your lips. "Fine, you win. Let's head to the hot springs."

Nobara's face lit up again. "That's the spirit! I'll find us the best hot spring resort. We'll have so much fun, you'll forget all about the school and—well, everything else."


The train to Ginzan Onsen glided through the winter landscape. Outside, a fresh blanket of snow covered the countryside, transforming the rolling hills and distant mountains into a scene straight out of a painting.

With a bit of the train ride still ahead of you, Yuji decided it was time to play a game. "Let's do 'Two Truths and a Lie'. I'll start! First, I once ate fifthy plates at a sushi conveyor belt. Second, I speak three languages. And third, I've never been defeated in arm wrestling."

Nobara rolled her eyes. "The lie is obvious, Yuji. You barely manage Japanese."

Laughter echoed through the carriage, drawing curious glances from nearby passengers. Yuji, playing along, clutched his heart in mock hurt. "Harsh! Okay, Maki, your turn!"

Maki thought for a moment. "Alright. One, I've broken five bones. Two, I secretly love romantic comedies. Three, I've never lost a bet."

"It's definitely the romances," Nobara said. "That's the lie, right?"

Maki chuckled, leaning back in her seat. "Well, let's see." She paused for dramatic effect, then added, "Actually, that's true. I can't resist a good rom-com."

"Wait, what?" Yuji blurted out. "You?"

"Guilty as charged," Maki confessed.

Everyone on the train was stunned. Even the other passengers.

"I thought you were more of a splatter girl," Yuji added.

The game continued, with each revelation more amusing than the last. Finally, it was Megumi's turn. He hesitated for a moment, a slight frown on his face. "I'm not really creative enough for this game," he said, though you suspected he was more concerned about embarrassing himself.

But to his bad, Yuji jumped in. "Don't worry, Megumi, I got you covered! Here are Megumi's truths and lie: First, he secretly dreams of becoming a pop idol. Second, he's in love with a soon-to-be-married woman. And third, he's afraid of kittens."

You shouldn't laugh at this, but you couldn't help it and the entire compartment erupted into laughter. Even Yuta couldn't help but chuckle. Nobara was laughing so hard she had to wipe tears from her eyes.

Megumi's expression shifted to mock seriousness. "Alright, that's it. Prepare yourself, Itadori!" Then he lunged at Yuji. Yuji let out a surprised yelp, half-laughing, half-trying to evade Megumi. "Hey, it was just a joke!"

Infectious laughter filled the compartment as they tussled. Yuta's attempts at peacemaking only added to the comedy as he struggled to separate the two.

After the laughter died down, Nobara began. "So now that we've all had a good laugh, there's something I need to tell you about," she started, flipping through her phone. "It's about the rooms at the onsen. Turns out, the place is pretty booked. We had to get creative with the sleeping arrangements."

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