Addison got home at about 1am, a bold M on her hand (since she is a minor) from the concert.  Milo had just finished eating and after changing at my place she returned to fill us in on her night.

Dustin was a perfect gentleman and played wingman for her, helping her meet people while they enjoyed the concert.  She raved about the music but was excited to head to bed soon. This is the kind of night out she always hoped for when living with our parents, but their early curfew and tendency to say No made it not possible.

"Did you eat?" I asked, getting a fresh glass of water for Sophie and me while Addy sipped a Ginger Ale.

She nodded, "Yeah, we got burgers then I ordered wings at the bar along with my Diet Coke.  They were meh, but I shared with Dustin since he was drinking."

"Good call.  I'm really glad you had a great time," Sophie said with a smile while cuddling Milo. "This is a fresh start for you, and I love watching you spread your wings."

Addy joined her on the couch after washing her hands and took the baby a moment, stroking his cheek and rocking him gently while cooing about how she couldn't wait until we can take him to hear live music.  My heart always warmed when I saw my little sister with my son. She was so scared when he was first born, afraid of dropping Milo or somehow hurting him.

Now she easily shifted him to her shoulder or carried him around the apartment without any hint of hesitation.

Her eyes met mine with a soft smile, "I missed him.  I know I was just gone basically for the day but man, I don't think I could handle being away for longer."

"You're always welcome with us, Addy," Sophie said with a grin.  "You've been an incredible help but you're family.  The more people that love Milo, the better."

She headed back to the other apartment after about a half hour chatting while snacking on apples with caramel that Sophie prepared.  My sister assured us she would be by sometime in the morning and since she knows Milo's schedule was able to plan accordingly.

After she left we got settled for bed.  I took a quick shower and Sophie was already fast asleep by the time I joined her.  Far too soon Milo was awake to eat and she nursed him while yawning, sipping a glass of water I brought out of habit. I handled his diaper change and burping before he snuggled back in the bassinet with both of us falling back to sleep quickly.

The next morning came quickly but Milo was eating about every 4 hours now which was a huge relief.  The extra hour gave us time to get better sleep and a break for Sophie's body.  She was physically exhausted thanks to nursing so Addison and I made sure she ate frequently and had healthy meals as well as plenty to drink at all times. It was habit now for one of us to get everyone a fresh water or bring a snack that we would enjoy when moving to the living room.

I headed to the grocery store by 10 to grab a few things we needed and stocked up on Sophie's favorite sparkling water as well as produce.  She was still feasting on fruit daily which became a habit for Addison and me as well. I got hooked on fresh berries with greek yogurt while my sister was all about apples now that they were in season. We kept caramel dip and peanut butter on hand, as well as sharp cheddar cheese, so you could choose your pairing depending on what sounded best at the moment.

Addison loved charcuterie boards and had been researching how to construct then properly so I picked up a few items on her list along with a hefty wooden cutting board to use as the base. My sister was convinced she would be able to organize the perfect cheese board and now had the necessary tools.

When I returned Jake and Ruth were visiting with some produce from the Farmer's Market.  They had an entire bushel of Honeycrisp apples as well as zucchini, squash, bell peppers, and tomatoes.  Sophie's eyes were wide as she showed me the haul, a bright grin on her face.  "Thank you, Mom and Dad.  This may not last as long as we hope but I promise it will be enjoyed.

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