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I was freaked out by the sight of someone who i thought was dead, and alot more pissed by the fact he was in a mansion? With the poeple we were trying to put in prision. The vision faded away and i ran to where i came from i flet betrayed and hurt i was running and crying but i some point i realized i was lost in this forest again. Suddenly i got hit on the head and passed out i woke up but it was dark and i didnt wanna open my eyes i felt a chain around my ankle and wrist

“What exactly are we doing with her?” a raspy male voice said

“Boss said grab her i just did as i was told” a grim female voice said

“Well now we have the cops here was she on duty we mightve fucked ourselves” a less raspy male voice mentioned

“she wasnt on duty she did this in her off time” a light female voice said

“She actively spends her free time looking for psychopaths” the raspy male voice said

“Its good to be self aware jeff” the grim female voice said in reply to jeff i assume

Is it the same jeff from the station?

“Hey fuck off jane!” jeff said back

“You two fight like an old married couple”  the second male voice answered and then walked out

“Im gonna follow liu” the light female voice said and followed liu

LIU?! So he was with them he the reason Noah… died? Did noah even die? What did that vision thing mean?

“Im leaving” jeff said and walked out with a door closing behind him

“I know your awake y/n” jane said 

I slowly got up and looked at this person she was the girl with the pale mask black eyes and black makeup who was white as a ghostw ith black hair and a black outfit she has a kitchen knife in her hand

“Are you gonna kill me?” i said looking up to the woman infront of me

Jane sat down and and tapped her knife to her mask

“Hm.. no, im not allowed to boss said so” she replied

“Why am i here” i asked

“Thats a question for the boss” she replied again

I scowled at her reply

“Am i gonna speak with this boss” i looked up while asking

“You ask alot of questions, eventually you will” she said and got back up and walked out the door

Here i was alone in a room of a house i assume was in the forest i dont wanna be here i tucked my knees to my chest and hugged them and started to silently cry i hoped someone would come in here and say i have to drop the case and i can go home after a while of my crying that clown that chased me into a dumpster came in unlocked the chain from my ankle and wrist and grabbed my arm and yanked me up

“OW!” i yelled

“Shut up” he said and dragged me along

I got dragged out of this room into a bright hallway and down alot of stairs i think i went down like 5 floors till i was at what i assumed was the bottom floor as there was a living room there were lots of different kinda people in here and a kitchen i was then dragged into another hall we took so many turns i couldnt remember where i was going and finally we were infront of these big doors that were over 10ft tall the clown knocked on the door and it opened we walked in and i was promptly shoved to the ground i groaned as i got up from the hard fall and looked up to see the thing that had ripped noah in half i couldnt move i couldnt speak i started hearing a ringing in my ear and it got louder  

“Stand up child” i did as it said and stood up 

I didnt know what to do so i stood there looking at this thing 

“SLENDER” i familiar male voice said barging in the room

I turned around and stoped dead in any thoughts 

“TELL EJ TO STOP-”  he stoped too after seeing me

 I just stood there and stared at him tears stung my eyes falling down my cheeks as i looked at him i was stumped why is he here i thought he was dead im happy and sad at the same time i felt entirely betrayed i didnt know what to say i just looked i know i probably looked stupid but right now i didnt care i felt to betrayed by this man, he reassured me, he acted like he had no idea who we were after, he play dumb and it hurt so much too much for me to even stand i fell to my knees crying my hands balled in fist as i hit the ground i was pissed how can someone betray you this bad 

“y/-” he tried to say 

“Shut up” i cut him off abruptly i wiped my tears and looked up at him 
"Screw you Noah"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 15, 2023 ⏰

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