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Everything went dark
I opened my eyes to the smells of smoke i was locked in the room i passed out in then a little blonde boy appeared I was really confused
“Hey!” I yelled
He turned aroud and his eyes were black besides red pupils he looked like an off brand version of link from zelda I heard a loud ringing in my ears it hurt so I covered my ears and screamed then everything went black again
I rewoke in a hospital bed with a nurse there
“Oh! Your awake!” she said exitedly
She had red hair not ginger but dark red maybe a blood red?  and her outfit didnt look like a normal nurses outfit it was a dress she had a mask on her eyes looked dead they were amber almost looked red
“Well my name is ann, call me nurse ann” she said sweetly
I dont know why but this woman gives me the creeps she seems.. Dangerous
“How long have i been asleep?” i asked
“5 months” she replied
“WHAT?!” i yelled
“No need to get loud” she said
“Im sorry when can i leave?” i asked panicking
“Someones coming to get you, Noah? I think thats his name” she said with a smile
“Okay but what happened?” i said confused
“There was a fire apparently two people got out but you were knocked out and inhaled too much smoke it kept you in a coma for 5 months” nurse ann said
I looked down
“I’ll get you some food” she said again
I just kept looking down nurse ann did bring me food
*30 minutes later*
I heard noah yell my name he come into my room and hugged me
“Hey” I said
“Come on lets get you home” noah said
In his car he told me that our director had put someone new on my case and noah is still working the case too I wish I could talk to him and ask him for more time it's not fair I didnt mean to pass out
Noah dropped me off at home and I could rest at all, I mean I did technically sleep for 5 months and 4 days not long before that I should probably get that checked out I can go to the office tomorrow and try to see what I can do about getting put back on the case
*next day*
I walked into the office its temporary i asked to see the director and they let me
“y/n your awake?” he said
“Yes sir i wanted to know if i could please be put back on my old case
“Im sorry y/n no i have noah and liu on the case” he said while leaning back
“Please! Its not fair I had a lead i wouldve been able to follow it if i hadnt gotten into a coma” i said tears swelling in my eyes
“y/n your new assignment is on your desk” he said looking down
I started walking out after opening the door he said
“But if you where to ask noah and liu and they let you i suppose you could be a team of 3” he said with a smile
I smiled and went straight to ask noah if he would let me help
“NOAH!” i yelled when i got to his desk liu was sitting by noahs computer
“He said if you guys let me i could help on the case!” i said happily
“Hey thatd be great we can use you leads no-one was able to find them they think the kids we had here took them” noah said smiling “liu? Any objections?”
“No but how do you suppose she remembers them?” he asked
“I have extras at my house” i said
Noah did a tongue click thing then pointed at me and said “points for be excessive “
“Lets go tell the director” liu said
“Yippie!” i said clapping my hands a little
*y/ns house*
“ okay let me go find them” i said getting out and going to my office
I opened the drawer that had my copies in it i re-printed all of them and put the new ones in the old ones spot so i know if they get taken again i have extras i walked out and got in the back seat and we rode back to the office
“You got them!” liu said
“Yep!” i said and put them on noahs desk
“So we think this boy is connected to this symbol?” noah said
“Yep Jeffery Woods” i said
“Liu isnt your last name woods?” noah asked
“Yeah.. but anyone can have the last name woods i dont know that kid” he said looking a bit worried
“Thats true” i said “ did anyone see where the kids went?” i asked
“The forest” noah said
“Well lets go there” liu said

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