Vol. 7 Chp. 1: Pursuers

Comenzar desde el principio

Class D - 470 cp (+200)

During Paper Shuffle, we fought directly against Class C and triumphed. As a result, we managed to boost our class points brilliantly. One hundred points from Class C were moved to Class D.

However, an accident utterly unrelated to the exams happened to Class C.

"Class C was hit with a severe penalty of 100 points for a serious rule violation, but they did not announce the details of the violation," Rino explained.

Ryuuen, who is the leader of Class C, dreads the idea of being demoted and losing his position. To avoid this, he is currently searching for any weakness in Class D that he can exploit. His current actions are in line with this goal.

"A change in classes is a problem that this school cannot completely avoid, but it does not happen frequently. However, Class D's significant improvement after their major setback might cause Class C to worry. It is understandable for them to try and figure out the reason behind Class D's growth," Azuma said.

"Despite always acting high and mighty, Ryuuen-kun's still a leader. He's going to lose face," Rino said as Mori nodded in agreement.

"But we haven't changed all that much, have we? It feels like by the time we realize that we overtook them. Why is that? Is it just because Class C took a tumble?"

Most of our classmates are unaware of the behind-the-scenes struggles and approach exams head-on. Understandably, they might not comprehend how we overtook Class C.

"If we're talking about just Class D, then we triumphed over the other classes during the island exam. We beat them during the zodiac exam but lost the sports festival. Finally, we returned during the Paper Shuffle the other day."

"Kagu-kun, what do you think about all of this?" Ichihashi asked.

Rino glanced at me for a moment before looking away at something else.

'Class C sees us as a threat because they are wary about someone in Class D.'

"Wait, so there's a secret mastermind in our class?" Mori seemed shocked.

They continued the conversation as I listened.

This was probably a new experience for them. They were being tailed by other students because of their explosive growth and learning about a mastermind in our class.


I decided to head back to the dorms as it was getting late. I took a different route that not many knew about. The reason is that the Class C hound was still following me from earlier.

It didn't help that there was another person following me.

I also had another reason why I took this route...

"Fufufu, you shouldn't leave a frail maiden out in the cold," Sakayanagi giggled, sitting on the bench.

She wasn't the only one, though...

"Hi... Kagurazaka-kun..." Fukuyama had a blanket wrapped around her.

"Is my favorite kouhai two-timing?" Kiryuuin was relaxing on a bench with a confident, smug smile.

What are Fukuyama and Kiryuuin doing here?

"I should congratulate you on being promoted to Class C," a slight genuine smile appeared on Sakayanagi's face.

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