25. History Repeates Itself

Start from the beginning

“Tracy she’s right, we really gotta go.” Sam sighs, starting to walk away. “No! There's gotta be something we can do! My mama can’t be gone please!” I cry, watching as papa stands up, carrying mama in his arms.

“Tracy we must go, we can’t risk anyone but especially you getting hurt.” He starts walking away, black tears and blood staining his face. “Tracy please.” He begs. Before I can even say anything, ice surrounds us, causing everyone to slip.

I feel my body contorting in inhuman ways, bones cracking, skin stretching. "TRACY!" I hear papa call out as everything goes black.



“Tori!” I look over, Emi flying in my direction. “Emi! Where's Tracy!?” I yell, trying to get up. “Tori, your eye! Just stay there ok!” She yells, finally getting to me, first aid kit in hand. “How did you find me?” I laugh, slowly removing my hand from my eye.

“Took a while but Charlie used a mirror to help.” She laughs, pulling out some cotton pads and a bottle of rubbing alcohol. “This might sting just a little.” She sighs, pouring some of the rubbing alcohol onto the cotton pads and holding it up to my eye.

“Fuck! Emi that stings!” I yell, trying to move away. “I know, I know but I warned you didn’t I?” She laughs, taking it off and pulling out some bandaids. “What happened here?” She asks, looking over at the blood stained ground.

“Tracy, she got into a fight, Vexi but she ended up killing another demon.” I sigh, feeling tears welling in my eyes,,the one that isn’t injured at least. “She what!?” Emi yells, causing me to flinch. “Sorry. It’s just I never expected Tracy to kill anyone!” She yells.

“Neither did I but I think that's what scared her off. She thought I was scared of her but I wasn't, I was just shocked!” I cry. “Ok well um..look it’s probably best we stay here since there doesn’t seem to be any exterminators around this far out from the city.” Emi sighs.

“Ok fuck, theres like some annoying light in my eye.” Emi groans, covering her left eye. I look over, spotting Tracys locket. “It’s Tracys locket, but why would she take it off!?” I yell, crawling over and grabbing it. “Looks like it broke, must’ve come off during her fight.” Emi comments.

Suddenly there's a loud explosion, followed by a large, cold gust of wind causing both me and Emi to fall back before everything goes black.



“Tori!” I hear Emi’s muffled yells, my head stings, waves of pain hitting me. There's a bit of light but I’m struggling to keep my eyes open, I can’t even move. “Tori!” I feel something cold and white hit my face.

“Emi.” I mutter, at the very least I can let her know I’m alive. “Ok um,,Tori can you move at all?” She shivers. “Emi come here.” I mutter as she lays close to me. I wrap my tail around her, up until now I always found it annoying how big it was. At least I know it can do something.

“Thanks.” She laughs, hugging me. “I found Tracy’s locket, I put it in the first aid kit just to make sure it’s safe.” She mentions as I nod. “I think something might’ve happened to Tracy.” She mutters. “You think? The Pride ring is covered in snow. Look at the city!” I yell, pointing at the city, snow falling.

“Do you think she’s alive?” I cry, tears finally leaving my eyes. “We can only hope so."  She sighs. “Let’s head back, I just wanna know she’s ok.”

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