25. History Repeates Itself

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“Anthony, hang on a little longer. Tracy will be here soon I’m sure of it!” I beg, watching as he struggles to keep his eyes open. “Y’know what's funny, this is exactly how I held you when you died. Only difference is I won’t be seeing you in hell this time.” He coughs, blood coming out of his mouth staining his beautiful white fur.

“Can’t you teleport us back to the hotel!” Vaggie yells. “Don’t you think if I could I would’ve already!?” I yell in response. “Aunt Tony, it's gonna be alright. I’ll try and look for Tracy and Tori.” Sam explains, about to walk off.

“Sam no, it is far too dangerous! This won’t be over for hours! I’m surprised we haven’t been surrounded by exorcists yet!” I yell to no avail as she runs off into the distance. "Please, I don't wanna leave you, I don't wanna leave Tracy." He cries, gripping my wrist.

"Everything is going to be alright Anthony, that I can promise." I mutter, pressing my forehead against his. "Anthony! Albert!" it's mine and Anthony's mothers. "Mama." Anthony mutters, just barely above a whisper.

"Anthony!" His mother calls out, stepping into view. "No, no, no I can't lose my son again!" She cries, my mother holding her back.

"Please I just wanna see Tracy." He begs, his grip on me loosening. "Anthony stay awake, for Tracy!" I beg, not wanting Tracy's last words to him to be I hate you. "Just tell her I love her, alright?" He breathes, his body going limp and his chest falling still.


No! No! No!

"ANTHONY!" I sob, removing the spear and holding him close to my chest. "Please no, I can't lose you again!" I yell but there's no fixing this.

He's gone.



"Mama! Papa!" I call out, snapping my fingers again, appearing outside of the hotel. "Tracy!" Is that Sam!? "Sam!?" I yell, running in the direction I heard her voice coming from. "Tracy! Your mama, he's not doing too well, come on!" She yells, grabbing me by the wrist and pulling me with her.

"What about the others!? And you, you're covered in blood!" I yell, almost falling while trying to keep up with her. "Forget about me! Forget about everything we gotta focus on getting to them before-." She suddenly slows down as the sounds of loud sobs can be heard.

"We're too late." She mutters, tears running down her cheeks. "No! He's not gone! MAMA!" I cry, running in the direction of the sobbing only to be met with papa holding mama's bloodied body close to him, black tears leaving his eyes.

No. No. No! NO!

"MAMA!" I cry, quickly running over, getting on my knees and holding him in my arms. "Please mama I don't hate you I didn't mean it! I didn't mean any of it! Please just wake up!" I cry.

"Tracy, I'm so sorry." I look up, it's Tomas. "You." I mutter, my vision growing red. "How could you do this to my mama! You spent 8 years together!" I yell, quickly getting up and lunging at him, summoning the blessed knife from earlier and holding it to his throat.

"Tracy, where in hell did you obtain that!?" Papa yells, looking up at us. "Vexi." I growl, quickly turning my attention back to Tomas. "I had to go back! I have to go back to my wife!" He cries. "Your wife!? You took my mama away from me after promising him everything!" I yell, promptly slashing his throat open, shoving him back and away from me.

"Tracy I’m so sorry.” Sam cries, placing a hand on my shoulder. “Mama.” I cry, hugging Sam. “Guys I’m really sorry but we need to get back to the hotel before any of us get hurt too.” Aunt Vaggie sighs as Sam runs her fingers through my hair.

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