5. Downstairs it is

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Angel dust

I walk into the kitchen, Tracy eating pancakes as Albert reads his newspaper. "Morning mama." Tracy hands me my coffee. "Mornin'." I yawn, rubbing my eyes while drinking my coffee. "Finish up soon I gotta go into the studios, already got a call from the police."

"You're gonna be out today?" Tracy whines. "I know I promised a girls day out but you papa here." I glare at Albert who waves at me nervously. "Got my fiance killed, so now I gotta go to boring ass interviews and get started on plannin' his funeral."

"Well what am I supposed to do?!" Tracy yells. "Got no idea sweetpea. You'll just have to keep yourself entertained." I shrug. "I'm sorry but shouldn't Tracy be going to school today?" Albert chimes in.

"Nope, Tracy got herself suspended because she got into a fight. Can't blame her though the girl was being a bitch."

"What if I took her out today instead? It would give us a chance to catch up, get Tracy out of the house and you won't have to worry about her." Alastor suggests, me frowning at him. "But I would worry because she's with you of all people."

"Aw come on mama what's the worst that could happen?" Tracy laughs. "The worst that could happen is he takes you to hell and you get hurt. I don't trust him, I'd rather take the risk of leaving you here alone."

"Please mama, I promise if he tries to take me even out of town I'll come right back home." Tracy begs, giving me the puppy eyes again. I look over at Albert who grins at me. "I can also assure we won't be going anywhere that isn't in town."

I glare at him and look back at Tracy. "Fine, but I want updates from you Tracy and no going out on kill sprees or anythin' illegal." I growl, finishing my coffee. "Thank you mama." Tracy runs up to me, giving me a tight hug.


A tear falls onto Tomás as I look down at him, tears running down my cheeks. "I'm sorry for your loss Mr. Raffo but we need to take you to the station for questioning." I look up at the officer looking down at me nodding my head.

What did I do to deserve this!? I just wanted someone to love. Is that too much to ask for? I start to walk away, hearing them zip up the body bag. "I have no doubt this is a difficult time for you and your daughter Mr. Raffo, however this question is extremely important."

I wipe the tears from my eyes with my sleeve simply nodding my head not being able to muster up the strength to actually say anything. "If at any point you need to step out you will be allowed that."



"I don't understand, you've been having tentacles and static lately and haven't told your mama?" I ask, Tracy nodding her head in response. "Why?" Tracy frowns at me. "Because ever since my suicide attempt mama doesn't exactly trust me, and he wouldn't react well to all this." She summons a bit of green fire in her hand.

"But this hasn't been too much of an issue in school right? I know your mama would hate it if this somehow ruined the life you have here." I ask. "No, the worst that's happened is my claws just coming out and slashing Rachel in the face."

"And no one questioned how you did that!?" I yell, the living world is unbelievable. "Nope." She laughs. "Ok well we have to tell your mama about this!" I yell. "Now if that isn't the worst idea you've ever had." Tracy yells.

"Tracy I want to help you but if your mama isn't aware of this I can't. He's already upset about Lucifer and his fiance. I don't want to give him another reason to hate me, especially when I haven't asked him about seeing you."

She looks down at the ground, frowning. "How about I help you talk to your mama about this? Might make you feel better and it might give us a chance to possibly get his permission to go to hell and help you gain better control of all that." I point at the tentacles behind her.

"And we can't figure this out here because?" Tracy raises an eyebrow at me. "Because we could set a tree on fire and we're in the woods, something like that would spread fast, also it could reach our graves and I don't want that." I glance over at our tombstones.

"Sometimes I forget you two are dead. Fine, but you better help me come up with something to say." She laughs, sticking her hand out for me to shake it. "Deal."



"Anthony!" papa calls out, mama running into the room shortly after. "What's going on!? Tracy you're not hurt are you!?" He runs up to be, cupping my cheeks in his hands. "No, I'm fine mama." I laugh nervously.

"Good." He kisses my forehead before turning back to papa. "You scared the shit outta me Al!" He yells, punching papa in the gut causing him to fall back. "I apologize Anthony but me and Tracy have something we need to discuss with you." papa groans.

"Well what is it? I gotta go to sleep soon. They want me to go pick out a casket tomorrow." I yawn. "So I've sorta been having crazy voodoo magic happening to me." I laugh nervously. "What!?" Mama yells, pulling out chunks of his hair.

"Apparently it's been happening for months and while she may have some control over it Tracy has asked for me help in understanding it better." Papa laughs. "Shut up Al!" Mama yells, punching him in the face.

"Sweetpea, why didn't you say somethin' earlier? I would've gone to your papas old house, to see if there were any books that could have helped." I shrug. "You haven't exactly trusted me ever since..well you know."

He sighs, looking down. "It's not that I don't trust you, it's just your therapist told me I have to watch over you, make sure you're safe and all." Tears welling in his eyes. "I'm fine mama, I have you and now papa and he can help me understand this better than some books could."

Angel dust

"Anthony I can assure you no harm will come to her, not under my watch. I don't want to run the risk of being discovered up here. That's why I think it would be best if I take her at least once a week down to hell and let her learn more down there."

My breathing grows heavy as the tears finally leave my eyes. "I just want to make sure you're safe Tracy, Satan forbid something happens to you. I won't be there to do anything." I sob. "I'll be ok mama it'll only be for a short while and papa will keep me safe and auntie Charlie."

"Surprised you still remember her." I laugh, wiping the tears from my eyes. "Go get ready for bed ok." I laugh, patting her on the back as she walks away and out of the room. I turn to face Albert, the same wide smile on his face as always.

"You have to promise me you'll keep her safe, that girl is the only person I have left, I can't lose her." I sob as he simply nods at me. "I can promise I will protect her with my afterlife." He replies. I sigh before looking up at him.

"I'm sorry for takin' her away from you, it was wrong and I always knew it I just couldn't bring myself to go back." I look back down at the ground, not wanting to face him. He sighs before replying, the static in his voice gone.

"There's no going back Anthony, all we can do is work something out for Tracys sake. Either way I can't blame you for leaving, you were hurt by my actions once again I would've done the same if I were you." He laughs.

We stand there in silence for a bit before he clears his throat. "Well I must be on my way, please inform Tracy that I'll be picking her up on Saturday." I look up, tears welling in my eyes as he leaves the room, closing the door behind him without another work to be said.


Guys the new episode has me feeling some kind of way I can't explain it but I LOVED that we got more Fizz and Ozzie moments I didn't know I needed this badly. Love ya <3

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