1. Friends at last

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“Tracy è ora di svegliarsi!” Mama yells. Grabbing my shoulder and shaking me awake. “Get up, I don't need you missing the bus on the first day!” I groan, reluctantly stepping out of bed and into my slippers.

“Can’t you drive me!?” I yell, grabbing a random tshirt and jeans from my dresser. “I have a shift this morning sweetie I don’t have time I’m sorry!” I roll my eyes, quickly getting dressed, grabbing my phone and bag and heading downstairs.

“See this isn’t that bad now is it?” He laughs, handing me a poptart. “Where's Tomás?” I ask, putting the poptart in my mouth and going on my phone. “He had to go in early, because of an emergency with a worker there.”

I don’t answer just keep eating. “Are you excited to start school?” He asks like he doesn’t already know what the answer is. “Of course not.” I answer, not bothering to look up from my phone.

“Look I know the girls there are assholes but just try and ignore them ok? You got nothin’ to be ashamed of.” He pats my back. “The first thing the girls say to me is that I’ll turn out a slut like my mama. I think I have plenty to be ashamed of.”

“I know it's hard sweetpea. I got bullied pretty badly too but I think they’re just mad because I’m way hotter than their moms.” He laughs, making me smile a little. “There’s the smile I love, just try and enjoy yourself ok? Maybe try and make a friend or two?”

“Fine but only because I don’t want my counselor to keep bothering me about it.” I laugh. “That’s the spirit, look how about we go out for ice cream after school or we could have your favorite tonight? Your choice.”

“Is Tomás gonna be there?” He sighs before answering. “No he’s working late tonight, besides it’ll be us, just like old times.” He laughs, patting my head. Honking can be heard outside causing me to look up from my phone.

I grab my bag and get up, already tired of this. “Look you have a good day and make good choices ok sweetpea.” He yells as I slam the door behind me. Laughing and screaming can be heard as I get on the bus and sit at the back, completely alone.


“Everyone get into groups of three and fill out the get to know me paper in front of you.” I groan, sinking into my seat trying to make myself less noticeable. I should’ve just ditched and gone to hide in the bathrooms.

“Do you want to join us?” I notice two girls staring down at me, I nod. Better than being placed into a group by the teacher. “I’m Victoria and this is Emi.” Victoria laughs, pointing at Emi. “I’m Tracy.” I answer blankly, already hating this.

“You aren’t very talkative are you?” Victoria raises an eyebrow at me. “I don’t have any friends, I don't exactly have anyone to talk to.” I growl, only sinking further into my seat. “You can be our friend, I can’t deal with Emi alone anymore.”

“Have you not heard why people don’t want to be my friend?” I ask. “Oh no we know why but we don’t care, you seem nice.” Victoria laughs. “Yeah, besides the other girls don’t like us either because one of them slipped on a banana peel I didn’t realize I dropped.” Emi wheezes.

“That was you?” I ask, trying to hold in my laughter. “Yeah, but to be honest the girl deserved it since she's basically known to bully anyone that isn’t one of her minions.” I laugh at that, remembering that the girl was the one who started bullying me first.

“All this talk about bananas is making me want a milkshake. Wanna go out after school?” Emi asks, moving closer to me. “I’ll have to ask my mama but sure.” I laugh, moving away from her. “I thought you didn’t have a mom.”

“Emi you idiot they have two dads I thought you knew that!” Victoria yells, punching Emis arm. “Girls I don’t want any fighting, I can’t be breaking up fights on the first day!” The teacher yells, slamming his fist on the table.


“You’re making a huge mess!” Victoria yells, grabbing a napkin and cleaning Emi's shirt. Me just drinking my milkshake. “I’m so glad I don’t have to deal with Emi by myself anymore.” She laughs, throwing the napkin out.

“I’m just glad my mama will be happy I actually made friends.” I laugh. “What happened to your other dad anyway?” Emi asks, getting closer to me. Does this girl not know about personal space!?

“He cheated on my mama so he just packed up and left. I didn’t even get to say goodbye.” They both stare at me. “That's actually really sad Tracy are you ok?” Emi asks, putting a hand on my shoulder.

“I’m fine, I understand why my mama wanted to leave. I would too if I were him.” I laugh nervously. “Well you got us now, and we’re going to be your best friends.” I frown at them. “You guys are my only friends.”

“Which is why we are going to be your best ones.” Emi cheers, spilling her milkshake. “Emi I’m going to kill you, that's coming out of my pocket for Christ's sake!” Victoria yells, shoving a napkin in Emi’s face.

“You two are insane.” I laugh, wiping the tears from my eyes. “I’m not it’s Emi she’s got some brain injury that made her all crazy in the head.” Victoria yells. “Hey my mom only dropped me once!”

I burst out laughing. “Only once!? I don’t believe it, you tried to run across a busy highway on the way here. You’re fucking insane!” I laugh. “I think Emi has a death wish.” Victoria laughs. “I don’t exactly have a death wish but the thought doesn’t scare me.”

We both stare at her absolutely horrified. I think I’m going to like this trio.


Angel dust

"You're home late. Ya have fun?" I yell, hearing the door slam shut. "It was ok." Tracy yells, her bedroom door slamming shut shortly after. "She's not going to come around is she?" Tomás raises an eyebrow at me. "She just misses her papa thats all." I sigh putting down the knife.

"I think you should have a talk with her. Just the two of you. Her fifteenth birthday is coming up maybe ask her about gifts?"

"You know I can't do that, every year it's the same thing, her papa. I can't go back there he completed fucked our lives there after he decided to give daddy Lucifer a blowjob."

"Anthony the girl wants her papa would it kill you to go get him really quick and let her have even a day with him."

"No but some demon just might. Unless I somehow run into him up here there is no chance of it I'm sorry but I just can't take the risk of being down there." I growl.

"Anthony I know you want what's best for Tracy but do you really think this is the right approach?" He asks, making me pause.

"Maybe not but her safety comes first. Hell isn't like up here Tomás. It’s filled with some of the worst beings and any laws in place are completely disregarded, Tracy would be in constant danger and I can only protect her so much."

"I still think you should at least try and get to him. She misses him maybe more than you realize. "


First chapter is out 😻 I’m actually really happy with this one. Love ya <3

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