14. Daughter of the Vees

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Angel dust

“Ex porn star Angel Dust is back in hell. Presumed dead eight years ago, he made a sudden appearance outside of the Hazbin Hotel. Along with a glimpse of his and the radio demon's daughter! Stay tuned for more!”

I turn the TV off, frowning. “So much for keeping this all quiet. I groan, Albert patting my back. “I know you said your family was sorta a big deal down here but THIS wasn’t what I was expecting!” Tori yells, Tracy smiling back at her nervously.

“Well think of it like this, hell's biggest pornstars and the radio demon's daughter go missing and they suddenly appear eight years later. Demons are going to be all over our asses for weeks.” I groan, pinching the bridge of where my nose should be.

“All will be fine Angel, Tracy has been gaining more control of her abilities. She will be able to protect herself, not that anyone would dare lay a finger on her given she is my daughter as well.” Albert laughs.

“That isn’t helping Alastor." I scoff, getting up. Leaving Tracy and her friends to do whatever their teenage minds please. “Angel!” I hear Albert call out, running up to me. “Please tell me there aren’t news reporters outside.”

“No it’s nothing like that but there is another concern besides reporters.” Albert laughs nervously. “What is it now!?” I yell, already fed up with his bullshit. “Do you remember Vexi?” He laughs nervously.

My eyes widen at the mere mention of Vexi. I remember sometimes instead of my usual sex work I’d be left to babysit her while Val and Vox would either go have sex or continue their on and off divorce prosess.

“What does Vexi have to do with anything!? I haven’t seen her since she was sixteen!” I yell. “She may or may not be missing at the moment.” Laughs nervously, hiding his face behind his hands.

“What!? Albert, we just got here and now I have to worry about her doing something to me or my daughter!” I yell, moving his hand and punching him in the nose. “You will both be fine, that I can assure you.” He groans.

“If anything happens to Tracy, you’re as good as dead.”



“Well your attempts at rekindling your romance will have to be put on hold won’t they?” Rosie laughs, sipping her tea. “Romance is the least of my concerns at the moment Rosie, I need to find Vexi before any harm comes to either of them.”

“You’ve been searching for eight years Alastor there's been no trace of her. What if she simply wants to be left alone?” Rosie scoffs. “I need to make sure of it, should any harm come to Angel or Tracy I’d never forgive myself.”

“Perhaps you should worry more of the upcoming extermination. I heard they’re cracking down this year, exterminators are required to kill any sinner they see otherwise they won’t be able to re enter heaven.”

“Yes, watching demons be killed in the shadows will be a truly entertaining sight.” I laugh. “Something tells me the numbers this year will be significantly higher and not due to the exterminators.” Rosie snickers.



“You two kissed!?” Emi yells, causing me and Tori to flinch. “Oh please you’re acting like we fucked or something!” I yell. “Well you did run away directly after before I could say anything or even react.”

“Wow Tracy I never took you as a pussy.” Emi laughs, making my face turn a bright red. “I am not a pussy! I’m the one that kissed her!” I yell just as mama walks into the room. “Wow, being a teenager is horrible isn’t it.” Mama laughs, patting my head.

“We gotta get going now so kiss your girlfriend goodbye or something. I’ll be in the car waiting.” Mama teases, kissing my forehead and walking out of the room. I look back at Tori and Emi grinning at me.

“Whatever you’re thinking, it's a no.” I growl as Emi frowns. “Oh come on, you know I love teen romance.” Emi teases as Tori walks up to me. “One kiss wouldn’t hurt now would it?” Tori laughs, cupping my cheek in her hand and pressing a quick kiss to my lips.

I stand there wide eyed before running out of the room, hearing Tori and Emi laughing.



‘Y’know standing there and stalking them is only getting you one step closer to being killed like your dads.” I laugh, walking up to Vexi who glares at me. “Don’t compare me to my dads, I’m way smarter than them.” Vexi growls, holding a switchblade to my throat.

“You’d think after so many years in my care you’d know I’ve faced worse than a switchblade to the throat, yes?” I laugh as she puts it away, continuing to watch the pair get into the car and drive away from the hotel.

“So what are you going to do now? Kill them and have Alastor kill you like he did your dads? You’re lucky I got Vox’s head back!” I yell, grabbing her switchblade and throwing it across the room.

“The difference between me and my dads is I’m a helluva lot smarter than them. I’m not going to make it obvious that I’m after them. The radio demon is probably on the edge of his seat right now.” She smirks.

“You are begging for death. Vexi I didn’t put my afterlife into raising you just to get killed like your dads please just leave that family alone!” I growl, pulling her away from the mirror and throwing her onto the floor.

“Oh come on, if I’m gonna die they’re gonna die with me.” Vexi laughs. “No, they’re not! You may not like to admit it but Valentino was a horrible demon and Vox well his and Alastors feud was stupid and petty but that's not the point right now!”

“Why do you care anyway, you’re not my mom!” Vexi yells, storming out of the room, slamming the door behind her. “This girl is hopeless.” I mutter, using the switchblade and using it to smash the mirror.


I'm back bitches because Friday the 13 😈 Love ya <3

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