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You didn't know what to do with your arms.
Hug him back? Do nothing?
You were quite confused with the sudden embrace.
Woohyun pulled away from the hug, looking at you.
His arms were still wrapped around your waist.
"Where did you go?" he asked.
You sensed the worriedness from his tone.
You knew it was no time to give him the cold shoulders.
"I went out for a while."
"Do you know how worried I was?" His brows furrowed out of concern.
You didn't know how to react to that.
You had thought that he was slowly letting you go, but this action showed you otherwise.
"I'm...I'm sorry."
It was all you could say to him.
Woohyun sighed.
"Please don't ever do that again," he begged.
You stayed quiet.
"I called you multiple times. Is your phone out of battery?"
"I didn't bring anything with me. I thought I would only be going out for a few minutes," you admitted.
"Next time, bring your phone. I don't care where you go," he ordered.
You nodded, acknowledging his request.

As the tension calmed down, realization hitting him, Woohyun slowly let you go.
"I'm...I'm sorry," he cleared his throat.
"It's okay," you replied in a softer tone, avoiding eye contact with him.
──── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───​​​​​​​
Woohyun followed you, as you two walked back to the room.
The walk was quiet and maybe even a little awkward from what had happened at the beach.
Woohyun closed the door as you headed to the bathroom.
──── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───​​​​​​​
"I'm finished. You can use the bathroom," you said, as he diverting as attention from the TV to you.
Before he left to the bathroom, he looked over shoulder.
"You can take the bed."
Before you could say anything back, he walked into the bathroom with his pajamas and a towel.
You sighed and sat on the couch, watching whatever he was watching.
Without you even realizing, you were slowly dozing off.
──── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───​​​​​​​
Woohyun walked out of the bathroom, drying his hair.
He peeked inside the bedroom, hoping to see you.
Maybe she's not in bed yet.
He thought.

He walked into the living room and looked over the couch to see you sleeping soundly.
He smiled upon seeing you.
It had been a while since he's seen you in that way; a way that he could admire your beauty up close.
He sat on the ground, facing your sleepy face.
I miss you.
He couldn't say it out loud. He was afraid that you'd hear him.
Truth was he was never mad at you in the first place.
He slowly scanned your face from top to bottom.
From your perfectly shaped, black brows, down to your long lashes, and your long nose, your rosy cheeks and flawless skin.
Your pink lips were the last thing he stared at.
He softly sighed, looking away.

Without thinking twice, he carried you bridal-style, as you snuggled right on his chest.
He smiled, as he longed for that touch of yours.
You fit so right in his arms; he missed it.
Woohyun gently placed you on the bed, covering you with the thick grey comforter.
He looked at you for a few more minutes.
He had missed seeing you so much.
He leaned in. He knew there was nothing to regret.
His lips softly pressed them on your cheek.
Woohyun backed away, as your lips formed into a smile for a quick second.
──── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───​​​​​​​
You laid out a simple black suit for Woohyun on the bed, before heading into the bathroom.
You looked at your reflection.
Was it a dream?
You thought as you placed your hand on your left cheek.
"No, it has to be a dream," you whispered to yourself.

You wore a pastel pink blouse and a black A-line flowy skirt.
You clipped half of your hair up, as your naturally curled hair flowed down in the back.
Woohyun looked over his shoulder as he heard the bathroom door open.
His eyes widened in awed.
Your presence made his jaws dropped.
You looked away and walked past him.
──── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───​​​​​​​
You sat in the living room, waiting for him.
Your heart gradually began beating faster and faster.
You don't know if last night was what caused it, or if you were nervous to go to his meeting with him.
"Are you ready?"
You looked over your shoulder and stood up.
It was all you replied.
──── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───​​​​​​​
You stood behind Woohyun, as he greeted his work partners from all over the world.
With you knowing nothing about this type of work, you just bowed and smiled along.
"I see that you brought your wife, Woohyun."
Woohyun shook Mr. Oh's hand and bowed.
Without Woohyun realizing, he grabbed your hand, surprising you.
"This is ------, my wife," Woohyun proudly introduced.
Him referring you to his wife brought butterflies in your stomach.
You bowed and smiled.
"-------, this is Mr. Oh. He is one of closest friends and partner in the business," Woohyun introduced.
"This is his wife, Mrs. Oh."
Mrs. Oh grabbed Woohyun's other hand.
"I knew you'd find the prettiest girl," she smiled.
Her compliment made your cheeks flushed bright pink.
You smiled and bowed to her.
"It's a pleasure meeting you guys, Mr. and Mrs. Oh," you bowed once more.
"Look at those manners, Woohyun. How did you get so lucky?" Mrs. Oh chuckled, complimenting you.
"I wonder the same thing every night," Woohyun replied.
The butterflies intensified as you looked at him.
"You guys can head to the meeting room. Your wife and I will spend sometimes out here," Mrs. Oh suggested.
"That'd be great," Woohyun replied.
"I'll see you later," he said to you before he left.
You began feeling confused.
Was he playing around or was he serious?
──── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───​​​​​​​
You and Mrs. Oh walked around the building, self-touring.
"I'm really sorry that my husband and I couldn't attend the wedding."
You looked over to her.
"No, it's okay. We know that everyone is busy," you replied, understandingly.
"You guys have been married for a few months, right?" She asked.
"Ah yes."
It was really a first time talking to someone in this way.
You were always locked up at home, having to clean and work all day.
"Are you guys planning to have kids any time soon?"
Her question threw you off for a minute.
That topic always made you nervous.
"Yea, you two are perfect to be parents. Also, a really great time to start planning for a family."
"Maybe not now. Hopefully, in the future though," you smiled, though you knew it was never going to happen.
"The last time I met Woohyun, he was going through some tough times," Mrs. Oh began.
You two took a seat outside, looking out to a field of greens.
"The love of his life broke up with him to pursue some dreams away in the States. I've always saw it coming, but I couldn't tell him the truth," Mrs. Oh stared off at the fields, while you listened away.
"Woohyun is a good person. He truly is. He always had a golden heart. Once he loves someone, he'll never let them go. I hope that you treat him well," she said, making eye contact with you.
You began feeling guilty, knowing that you were going to leave him.
"I haven't seen him this happy and bright for a while now. It's great seeing him like that," she smiled.
Mrs. Oh reached for your hands, catching your attention.
"Please look after him and I know you will."
"I...will," you smiled, though that smile came with some guilt.
"The woman you're speaking of, have you met her before?" You asked.
"Jihyun? I have. A few times, actually."
"What was she like?" You were curious to who she was.
"She was a complicated woman. She had a lot of things going on in her life. Woohyun was always there for her, but she was never there for him. It was always her ways. I knew how much Woohyun loved her, so I didn't want to say anything."
"I regret that a lot from my part. I've always wished for him to one day find someone who'd love him and listen to him. He really is one of the kindest men I know," she smiled looking at you.
"Please treat him well. Don't ever doubt one ounce of his love. If he says it, he means it."
──── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───​​​​​​​
"It was really nice talk to you, Mrs. Nam," Mrs. Oh smiled.
It was that butterfly feeling again in your stomach, her addressing you that way.
"It was an honor to talk with you as well," you replied.
Mrs. Oh looked at Woohyun.
"Woohyun-ah, if you and your wife aren't in a rush, let's get dinner sometimes soon before you two leave."
"That would be great. I will see what I can do with my schedule."

Star in the MistOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora