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You sat outside, waiting for your stepmom and Daehi to finish up breakfast.
Your thoughts wandered off to him.
"Woohyun," you whispered, then smiled.

"What did you say?"
You quickly turned around and stood up, looking at Daehi.
"I didn't say anything," you denied.
"Yah, you think I didn't hear you. What did you say?" Daehi asked again.
"I really didn't say anything. Are you guys finished?" You asked her, looking pass her shoulder.
Daehi gave you an annoyed face.
"Go clean up," she said, before entering the house.
You followed after her.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
"I heard that there's a new club opening next door," your stepmom said.
You stopped cleaning and looked at her.

"Ah yes, there is. I'm not sure when it'll open though."
"Make sure you apply there when it opens. Me and my Daehi are going to go to Jeju Island for her birthday," your stepmom smiled at Daehi, as Daehi returned the same excited smile.
You didn't know if you should be happy for them.
"Jeju Island?" You repeated.
Your stepmom annoyingly rolled her eyes at you.
"Are you deaf? Her birthday is coming up quick. If you can't find another job, maybe try selling your body. I heard they make fast money."
You couldn't believe what your stepmom said. You wanted to say something, but nothing came out.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──

"I'm going to work. I'll be back later," you said to your stepmom, who was watching a drama. She didn't care what you had to say.
You closed the door and walked to the bus station. You thought about her words again.
Maybe try selling your body.
Your eyes became teary. You inhaled and exhaled to calm yourself down.
"Today's going to be a good day," you whispered to yourself.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──

"-------, there's a customer looking for you," Minhye said. You stopped folding the scarves.
You were a little surprised. No one has ever looked for you.
"Yea, she said she'll be outside waiting for you."
"Outside the mall?" You asked Minhye, looking pass her shoulder and outside of the shop.
"I think so? I think I saw Ms. Lee talking to her," Minhye said.
"Thanks, Minhye," you smiled at her, "I'll go talk to Ms. Lee."
"Yea, you should. I'll take over this, " Minhye smiled at you, assuring that she got it.

─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──

You walked to the registers, where Ms. Lee was.
Ms. Lee lifted her head up when she saw you.
"Oh, -----! I was just going to ask Minhye to get you."
"Oh, she did. She said someone wanted to talk to me."
"Ah yes. She's outside of the mall waiting for you. You can go. Take today off."
"No, it's okay. I'll be back."
You needed the money. You couldn't afford to take a day off.
Ms. Lee smiled at you.
"Don't worry. This is a paid time-off. Take today off after you're finished," she said.
To be quite honest, you were a little confused. You bowed and thanked her before grabbing your jacket and your bag.
You walked outside and saw a lady with a tall man next to her.
Is she the lady?
You thought.
You approached them.
"Excuse me?" You said.
The lady turned around.
"Oh, Ms. Nam," you said in surprise.
You bowed to her.
"Ms. Lee said you had to talk to me. What is it about?" You asked her.
She smiled at you.
"Have you had lunch?" She asked.
You were a little confused.
"I'm sorry?"
"Are you hungry? Let's go eat lunch together," Ms. Nam said.
You actually didn't know how to reply. Before you could say anything, Ms. Nam pulled you with her.

─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──

You sat next to her as Mr. Kim drove you two.
It was your first time in a car. No public transportation for the first time. You looked out the window. It definitely felt different from the bus view or the cab.
"What would you like to eat?" Ms. Nam asked, interrupting your thoughts. You looked at her.
"Anything is fine," you replied.
Ms. Nam smiled, then she looked at Mr. Kim through the rear mirror.
"Jungsik Seoul."
Mr.Kim nodded.
Jungsik Seoul?
You thought.
You've never heard of it before.

Star in the MistHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin