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You guys sat across from each other in the living room in silence as the TV played.
All of your attention was on the screen. It was very rare for you to sit down and watch TV.
On the other hand, Woohyun typed on his laptop, taking a sip of his tea here and there. Woohyun looked up from his laptop and unexpectedly glanced at you. He sat his cup down and stared at you. He was sucked into your beauty: your wavy hair that flowed effortlessly down the side of your face; your eyes that twinkled; your rosy cheeks and pink lips. He caught himself smiling, making him clear his throat and looking back down at his laptop.
You looked at him.
"Did you need more tea?" You asked.
Woohyun embarrassingly looked back at you, pretending he didn't hear your question.
"Would you like coffee? A snack?" You asked, giving him a couple of option.
"Oh no. Please enjoy your show. I'll grab it if I need it," he smiled.
You thought for a while, before nodding your head along with his response.
The show caught your attention again.
Woohyun's eyes secretly glanced up, looking at your relaxed, yet excited look.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
It must have been a few hours once you noticed that you had to get some grocery for the house. You did a small stretch and looked over to Woohyun. He had fallen asleep with his laptop on his lap and his head leaned back. You let out a small giggle. You removed the pillow you were hugging aside and walked over to him. You grabbed his laptop and placed it on the table.
How can I move you without waking you up?
You asked yourself.
You walked upstairs and grabbed a blanket from the closet in the master's bedroom.
You grabbed your purse and a light blue jacket on your way out of the room.
You covered Woohyun with the blanket you grabbed. You smiled as you looked at his sleepy face.
"You must be exhausted from all that work," you whispered.

You wore your jacket, and just as you placed your bag over your shoulder, Woohyun grabbed your wrist, startling you.
"Omo! Woohyun, did I wake you up?"
Woohyun opened his eyes.
"Where are you going?"
"I was going to go to the grocery store. You can rest, don't worry," you told him.
Woohyun released your wrist and stood up.
"I-it's okay. I can go myself," you assured him.
"I'll come with you. Give me a minute," he said.
Before you could say another word, Woohyun had walked upstairs already, grabbing his wallet, his keys, and his jacket.
You sat down in the living room, waiting for him.
"Are you ready?"
You looked over your shoulder, standing up when you saw him in his jacket. You nodded in response.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
"It's my first-time grocery shopping, so please don't yell at me," Woohyun chuckled, breaking the awkward atmosphere in the car. You looked over to him.
"It's okay. I'm slow myself, so I hope you don't mind," you laughed.
"Sorry, we didn't do much today," he apologized.
"No, why are you sorry? It's okay. I had fun watching TV," you smiled.
"Yes, it definitely looked like you enjoyed the show very much," Woohyun chuckled.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
You pushed the cart down each aisle, looking carefully at each product as Woohyun trailed closely behind you.
You grabbed the common cooking paste and flakes.
"Do you like seaweed?" You asked him, looking over your shoulder.
Meanwhile, Woohyun's eyes were wondering at each shelf.
"Woohyun?" You called him, making him look at you.
"Do you like seaweed?" You asked again, waving a packet of seaweed.
He smiled and nodded his head.
You smiled and placed it in your cart.
You guys headed to the fruits and vegetables section after.
Woohyun grabbed a bag of greens and placed it in the cart.
You looked at the greens, stopping. You grabbed the bag, making Woohyun look at you.
"You don't like those?" He asked.
You looked away from the bag of greens and to him.
"No," you walked next to him and showed him," You see, this part is yellow. That means the vegetable is about to go bad," you pointed at the yellow leaves. You looked at the greens that were in front of you two, carefully looking at the leaves.
"Ah, this one," you said, grabbing the new pack.
"See, the leaves in this pack are a bright green. That means they're still fresh," you taught him. You set the bad pack back into the shelf, while placing the fresh pack into your cart.
"Ahh! So green is good, and yellow is bad?" Woohyun asked.
You nodded.
"Easy, right?"
Woohyun nodded.
"I'll keep that in mind," he smiled.
Woohyun ran over to a different section of greens, this time, you trailed behind him. He carefully looked at each bag of greens.
"Is this one good?" He asked, picking up the bag and showing it to you.
You inspected the leaves, before giving him a thumbs up.
"Ah, this is easy!" He said proudly, placing the bag into the cart.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
Once you and Woohyun paid for the grocery, Woohyun parked his car along the sidewalk. You looked outside and realized you two were by the river.
"What are we doing here?" you asked him.
He looked over to you.
"Ice cream?" He asked.
You felt like a kid all over again.
"You're not joking right?"
"I'm not," he laughed.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
"One strawberry and one vanilla, please," Woohyun ordered. You stood behind him, smiling. You felt excited. Thinking about it, you don't recall the last time you had an ice cream.
Within a few minutes, Woohyun handed you your cone.
"Thank you so much," you smiled, accepting the ice cream.
You two took a stroll along river.
You haven't felt like that in a long time, carefree, happy, and relaxed.
You guys picked out a bench and sat down next to each other, as you both took in the moment as the sun set.
Woohyun looked over to you.
"Is there a place in the world you'd like to visit?" He asked.
You looked at him, puzzled.
"Why?" you asked.
"Honeymoon," he chuckled.
You thought for a while to yourself, only to realize that was what couples do after they get married.
"Ahhhh, that," you said, after realizing what he was talking about, "you know, we don't...we don't have to go," you assured him.
He laughed.
"It'll be fun," he suggested.
"You can think about it. I'll book a flight when you're ready," he smiled.
"Okay," you replied.
Aish, do we really have to go?
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
"Should we head back?" Woohyun asked.
You nodded.
You got up from your seat.
"Wait a minute," he said.
You looked down at him, confused.
Woohyun knelt in front of you; his eyes locked on yours.
"Your shoelaces are untied. You might trip."

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