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"Woohyun," you whispered.

You didn't want him to see you in your vulnerable state.
You quickly got up from your seat and walked the opposite way from him.
Woohyun saw that you ignored his call, making him jog over to you.
Before you could walk further away from him, Woohyun swifty grabbed onto your wrist.
Involuntarily, you harshly shook your wrist out of his grip, even Woohyun was a little taken back.

You looked at him, not knowing what just happened.
Before you could apologize, Woohyun spoke first.
"Why aren't you picking up your calls?" He asked, his voice shaken as he was worried about your safety.
You couldn't bring yourself to look at him in the eyes.
"I...I...didn't bring my phone," you replied, avoiding his eyes.
Woohyun sharply sighed.
"Do you how worried I am?" He slightly raised his voice out of concern.
"I just needed some time alone."
Woohyun came to a realization that he had overreacted.
"-------, I-"
Before Woohyun could even apologize to you, you interrupted him, giving him a quick look.
"We should go. It's late," you responded, walking away from the situation first.
Woohyun stood there, feeling guilty about the whole situation.
He knew you had every right to be upset at him.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
You entered the house first as Woohyun trailed behind.
"---------," he called you, trying to get your attention.
You had blocked out all the noise around you.
You didn't know why you were feeling the way you were.
"-------," he called again.
Woohyun frowned, knowing that you weren't going to speak to him as you walked upstairs.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
You walked into the master's bathroom and sat on the ledge of the white tub.

Aish, was I too much? Should I even be this upset? No, I shouldn't be.

Truth was you didn't know you would be that upset about the whole situation.
What surprised you even more was that you didn't know you could feel that way.

I should apologize. This is the only right way to go. I shouldn't be mad at him. He has his reasons too.
You thought.

You took a deep breath and peeked out the bathroom door to scan the room.
Thankfully, he wasn't in the room.
You slowly walked down the stairs and scanned the living room. You were greeted with an empty house.

Where did he go? Is he mad at me?
You thought.

You noticed that the back door was open.
You walked outside and saw Woohyun, sitting on one of the sunbed loungers by the pool.
You took a deep breath, as you weren't ready to confront him about it.
As you made your way to him, you fidgeted with your fingers the whole way there, barefooted.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
Woohyun stepped outside after you left to the room.
He walked to the pool and sat on one of the sunbed loungers, hoping that his mind would clear.
He looked at the stars in sky as he listened to the calming pool waves crash each other. The night was a little chilly.

Did I overreact? Was I too much? She deserves an apology. Aish, Nam Woohyun, you idiot!
Woohyun felt guilty for what happened.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
Should I call his name? Sit next to him? I haven't done this before.
You were still a few feet away from him. You've never been in a situation like this before.
You had no idea how to approach him even though you have lived with him for a good couple of months.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
You opened the squeaky gate which caught his attention.
Woohyun stood up from his seat and looked at you.
You looked at him too, but nothing came out from your mouth, neither did he say anything to you.
You both just stood there a few steps apart from each other.

Star in the MistTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang