part 25

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"You sure you can't find anyone to cover?" Fallon speaks into her phone. She hears a tsk "no I'm sorry".

"Okay I'll be there Tomorrow" she hung up the phone. Slightly annoyed.

Fallon walked into Gordon's room, "pack my bags please" she requests politely before leaving the room and walking into the bar room where the judgement day were lounging around.

"Change of plans guys. I've been called back home to help with recruitment and training" fallon sighed putting her hands on her hips.

After they returned back to land. There were two limos waiting for them.

"Okay. I've gotta go to the centre. You guys just tell carlos where you wanna go. Just let me know when you guys get home" fallon hugs finn, damian, dom and rhea before running towards her car.

The driver took a short cut and took fallon to the centre.

"Right. I'm here what do you need me to do" fallon said walking in, her shortest pair of heel which were 4 inches clacking on the hardwood floor. Her hands tying her blonde hair up into a ponytails.

"Hey Arden thank you for coming on short notice" Shawn. The current brand owner of nxt.

"All good. You just owe me 3 holidays" fallon pulled down her crop top to stop it raising too high.

"Yes maam. Okay so we've got a group of newbies. First week of training. Just need fresh eyes. And you have the best eyes for spotting new talent" Shawn said as they walked down the hallway, fallon could see the ring set up in the gym, and she could see a group of people standing in it.

"Okay" fallon said, grabbing her phone to check a message.

Judgement day business

just got home x

Okay. Ttyl x

Fallon walked further into the gym, her heels covered by the sounds of grunting.

There were about 10 men and 5 women.

Fallon sat on an exercise machine, watching the new talent.

"Oh my god. You're fallon arden" fallon looked over to her left, she saw a 12 year old girl. Fallon smiled tightly.

"Hello little one" fallon twinkled her fingers in a wave. "What are you doing here" fallon looked around, looking for the parent.

"Oh my mom is here training" the girl pointed to the ring where a girl was in an arm bar.

"Shit" fallon whispers under her breath she jumped up from her spot and stalked over to the ring. Pushing the surrounding recruits out of the way.

"Hey. What the fuck do you think you're doing" fallon jumped up into the apron and ducking under the ring. The person conducting the arm bar stopped, the child's mother slumped to the canvas.

"An arm bar?" He spoke with a cocky tone.

"I'm aware. You don't learn or perform arm bars until the 4th week of training" fallon bent down and helped the woman up, guiding her quickly to the ropes before turning back on the male.

"Yeah but I know how to do it" he got up from his knees.

"No you don't. You were doing it completely wrong. You could've of dislocated her arm" fallon pointed to the girl behind her.

"You're over reacting" the guy shook his head. Fallon growled "what is your name" fallon crossed her arms.


"Well Todd. I've been working in this industry for years. And I have seen and gotten my fair share of injuries due to cocky idiots like you who don't give a shit to actually learn how to perform these skills" fallon walked closer to the man. Her finger poking his chest "I know for a fact that the trainers went through the courses you all will be completing at the orientation and recruitment. So why, in the hell. Do you think you could just skip past it all and nearly injure someone else" fallon yelled, she did not tolerate trolls like him.

"Jeez. I won't happen again. Sorry" the man scoffed, looking over to his bro's with a laugh.

"Yeah it won't. Because your cut" fallon grabbed his number off his chest and ripped it up.

"Out now" fallon pointed to the door.

Shawn watched the door, very glad to see the old firery fallon he personally trained when she first started.

"Mr Micheals. She can't be serious" the male called to him over fallons shoulder.

"You heard her. Leave before I got REAL wrestlers to drag your ass out" fallon smirked as she saw riddle, drew and roman who had arrived just before step closer to the ring.

"You know what. Fuck this" the dude said before stomping out of the ring and stalking towards the door.

"Are you alright" fallon walked over to the girl.

"Yeah thank you" the girl nodded, looking over to her daughter who stared at them in awe.

"Whats your name?" Fallon asked, "im lainey and this is caroline" lainey said. Fallon smiled "well lainey, I'm gonna get a medic down here to strap your arm just for safety and then I'm gonna get Caroline some snacks" fallon smiled.

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