part 8

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Fallon and dom were The only ones awake in house at the moment, fallon invited dom up to her office, but on there way there, dom got distracted by the game room. So fallon went back to her office and got back go work.

Due to her spot as a wwe official, she had access to the rosters and drafts for future times. As well as each wrestlers matches past and present.

"Where she go?" Finn grumbled as he trudged up the stairs, finn wasn't a napping type person but when he does nap, he claims they are the best sleeps he has.

"In her office" dom didn't look away from the Mrs pac man game he was playing.

Finn hummed and went to the door.

He knocked and waited for a reply, "come in" fallon yelled.

Finn opened the door, he saw fallon sitting at her desk, her hair flowing over her shoulders and her glasses falling off her nose. She was working on training schedules, for herself as well as for the judgement day.

"Oh hey finn" she looked over her shoulder, finn smiled and crept over to her side.

"Meal plans?" Finn asked, fallon hummed and scrolled up on her mouse "and workout plans" fallon added, she had figured that due to each wrestlers past with injury, she couldn't just stick them on a regular bulk plan. During her first year of retirement, while working at wwe she also went to college online to get a fitness degree.

"I know you've got a fucked shoulder. So instead of making you do heavy lifting and weights, ive put you on more of a warm up and stretching routine, and light weight training. leaning more on your diet to better your physique than exercise" fallon pointed to each diagram she had crafted, finn squinted and looked closer "You really have studied us" he responded, fallon shook her head with a chuckle "that I have" fallon patted his shoulder.

"Alright. You wanna wake up the rest and bring them up here" fallon asked, looking up to finn who was leaning over her. Finn nodded and left to complete the task. Fallon printed her sheets and collected them up.

"Afternoon sleepy heads" fallon smiled as the judgement day entered the room, dom pouting that he had to leave his game.

"Man your couch is fucking comfy" damian chortled as he plonked down on the white chairs next to fallons desk.

"Yeah. Why do you think I bought it" she teased, rhea nudged damian with a gloating smirk.

"Okay, back to business" fallon went serious. The group silenced as she handed out each slip.

"So at the top you'll see meal plans, expenses paid for. I have shares in a meal plan website so they will be prepared, prepaid and delivered to your address. As well as workout plans suited for your body goals, Billed weight and height" fallon explained, dom looked closely at the paper "whats C.D" he pointed to the words on the paper. Rhea looked over to where he was pointing and nodded too.

"Cheat day" fallon giggled, picking up her coffee and sipping through her straw.

"Wow. You like own our asses" rhea burst out laughed, "I only own what you allow me to own. You may choose to do what you like. But as I said earlier, I know what sells and what doesn't" fallon stated, her legs crossed and a gallant smirk on her lips.

"Shit. I'll let you own me" dom laughed "I mean look at this, free food" he shook the paper around "and you even added chicken tenders" he said excitedly, shoving the paper in damians face, damian laughed and kissed Dom's forehead after he had finished jumping around.

"Also. Another thing" fallon added, leaning forward and her face becoming serious.

"I've been medically clear to compete again. So as of this week, i will be easing back into training as well as. With your permission, I'd like to be more active in the storyline" fallon bit her lips nervously.

"Whatever you need lons' rhea spoke immediately, looking to her partners for confirmation, finn put his hand on rheas knee and nodded.

"Thank you" fallon smiled, the fear of their rejection fading.

Gordon knocked on the door, fallon motioned for him to enter "shall I start preparing dinner?" He said, his scruffy bear moving with his mouth.

Fallon looked over to her new friends "would guys like to stay the night?" Rhea grinned and looked over to damain and dom.

"Absolutely" finn answered. Fallons lips couldn't help but turn upwards.

"Wait" damain started "me and the boys will pop home to get some clothes and feed the pets" damian stood. The other two boys followed.

"Okay. Take Carlos" fallon picked up her phone and dialed Carlos's number "hola carlos llevar a mis amigos a casa y de regreso" she said before hanging up.

"Cubana?" Damain cocked his head, fallon winked and scrunched her nose.

The boys left and rhea and fallon sat on the couch. Drinking.

"I'm gonna be real with you rhea" fallon started, a giggle bubbling in her throat.

"I thought you were gay" fallon whispered, rhea gasped "how do you know I'm not" rhea teased, her hand reaching for the bottle.

"You're dating 3 boys!?" Fallon pulled the bottle away and out of reach of rhea, she chuckled "Okay, and? Have you heard of the word Bisexual?" Rhea joked, attempting to grab the bottle again.

"Nup, not convinced" fallon wagged her finger in rheas face. Fallon jumped up from her couch and ran to her room.

"Rhea. Come try this on" she screamed from her closet. She threw items of clothing out Into the bed and started ordering her around.

"Nope. Dress" rhea rolled her eyes as fallon shoved yet another article of clothing in her hand. It was a silk button up dress that hugged her chest and fell loosely around her ass.

"Perfect" fallon giggled, pushing rhea in front of the mirror wall and let the girl ogle at her attire.

"Wait gimme a second" rhea looked over her shoulder as fallon ran back into her closet and started sorting through her heels, she pulled out a thick heeled boots which skulls cresting the heel.

Fallon stumbled back over with the heels in hand and sunk to her knees.

Fallons delicately lifted rheas foot and slid it into the boot, putting it back down on the floor for rhea to push down. She did the same thing with the other and then stood again.

"Fuck me" rhea snorted, her hands running up her thighs and smiled.

Fallon gasped and realised the perfect thing that will add to the outfit.

She waltzed back to her closet dancing around to the music. She picked up with thigh garter and walked back out.

She sunk down to her knees again and lifted rheas leg, she noticed how smooth they were. She rested her leg on her shoulder started latching up the garter. Rhea chuckled as she looked down, fallon smirked and looked through her lashes.

"Now it's perfect" she smacked rheas thigh before standing and glancing her entire body.

The owner of the hotel walked over to her wall panels and pushed open another secret cabinet. She picked up her professional grade camera and took off the lenses cap, spinning on her heels and snapping a picture of rhea.

Rhea groaned and started to walk towards the girl to get her to delete the picture. But before rhea could take a step, fallon had took off running.

hola carlos llevar a mis amigos a casa y de regreso : hi carlos. Take my friends home and back

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