part 23

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"Wake up" fallon screamed through the door, fallon had been awake for hours, she enjoyed waking up early and watching the sun rise.

"amor de Jesús. aumentaron" damian groaned, opened the door, he was shirtless and wearing dorky boxers. Fallon snorted before pushing him out of the way and jumping onto their bed.

"We've got so much planned" fallon sat between rhea and dom on the doonah.

"Like?" Finn grumbled rubbing his eyes, he was also shirtless.

"Well, rhea and I are going to shore for a bit to shop, and you three can have a little alone time" she didn't explicitly  say what they would be doing because she wanted it to he a suprise.

"So get ready" fallon raised her brows. Rhea lowered her head and then looked over to her boyfriends.

"You're naked aren't you?" Fallon concluded. She looked back at damian who had a smirk on his lips.

"Gross" fallon jumped off the bed and ran out of the door.

Damain closed the door behind her "Morning wood or fallon?" Finn laughed as he pointed to damians situation.

"What do you think" damian groaned sitting back in the bed. Rhea rolled onto her stomach, trying to block out the noise and go back to bed.

"Wake up rhea" fallon yelled from the top deck, she knew rhea would try to go back to sleep.

Rhea moaned before pushing damian away and sliding off the bed.

"Fine" rhea yelled back.

She stood and grabbed her clothes before going to the bathroom and start her shower.

After the woman got out of the shower and had changed into her clothes, she sat on the bed with a mirror in one hands and a brush in the other.

"So, are you gonna make a move?" Finn asked, rhea smirked and turned her head "someone's eager" she teased.

"Well?" Dom pushed.

"I'll see how it goes" rhea shrugged, standing and exiting the room.

While the girls were out, the tattoo artists boarded the boat and set up, they have all been talking about wanting another tattoo but couldn't find the time because of their busy schedules.

When the girls got back they were smiling and holding bags and bags of clothes and other items, but what caught Finns eyes, was the interlaced fingers of the two.

"We got clothes" fallon squealed, holding one hand of bags up and plopping them down.

Gordon trudged behind them with arm fulls of designer bags.

"We got tattoos" dom mimicked, fallon walked over and looked at his outreached wrist.

"Are those lips?" She questioned, damian nodded "not just any lips" finn skipped over to rhea before dragging her over to the group.

"Its rheas lips" dom patted rheas bottom lip with his index finger.

"Naw" fallon smiled, before grabbing her bags and said "rhea and I are going to do a fashion show so" she waved the other woman over. Rhea held up her finger signalling her to give her a second "pick our first outfit" rhea said, fallon nodded and strutted off to her room where Gordon had put the rest of the bags.

"Did you do it?" Dom asked, his hands resting on her hips, rhea started smirking "I didnt. But we did get you guys some stuff" rhea said before rushing off to fallons room.

"This and this" rhea got the items of clothing thrown at her. Once again she changed quickly, fallon averted her eyes.

"You can look. I'm not shy" rhea spoke, her voice sounding closer than it was before.

Fallon turned her head, she saw the toned legs of rhea inches from her own.

"I'm looking away out of respect" fallon muttered, rhea sighed, grabbing fallons chin and pulling it up, so they were eye to eye.

"For who?" Rhea knew the answer, "the boys?" She answered her own question.

It was odd for fallon to be this silent in these situations.

She nodded her head.

"Believe me lonnie. They do not mind" rhea grinned, fallon stepped back.

'Shit, she's freaking out' rhea panicked.

"What do you mean" fallon asked, her hands resting flat on her thighs.

"I don't want to scare you" rhea shook her head. Fallon stepped closer and put her hand on her shoulder "tell me" she whispered.

Rhea breathed, she leant closer. Lowering her lips to fallons ear lobe.

"We're into you. We are all into you"

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