Then she had started to go on about being sorry and how it was 'all her fault', but I didn't get much of it. By that time, I was being overwhelmed by the fact that I had been locked in a room again, trying to understand why she had done it, and now also I was trying to listen to her apologize.

All of it was getting to me, and before I knew what I was doing, I sprinted out of the room, crying.

I may have heard someone say something, but that was at some point between me leaving the room and slamming the front door behind me.

From that point onwards, all I know was that I was running away from that house. I hadn't realized how dark it would have been outside, but it had seemed like the sun had only just fully set, as the moon wasn't very visible as of yet.

And then I ran. I couldn't have given two shits if anyone had seen me, I just ran.

The next thing I knew was that I had made my way to some forest where the trees were tall, and that's all I know, until now, that is.

Now I truly am alone. Running through the woods, alone.

I can hear my heartbeat, loud and fast when I suddenly stop and, with a jerking movement, I trip over. My arm is held up, caught by something, and with watery eyes, I try to see what has happened.

I go to rub my eyes clear with my other hand, causing me to wobble a bit. I also get a bit of dirt in my eyes from rubbing them with my hand, which as I now realize had been shoved into the muddy floor, which is covered also by twigs and leaves.

Then I can finally see a bit clearer, and I see that the sleeve of my hoodie is caught on a low-lying branch. I try to pull on it, but it's no use. I end up taking the hoodie off, scratching my arm in the process.

When I finally get the hoodie off, I realize that there is a much bigger scratch on the same arm, which I assume must be from when my hoodie had first gotten caught on the branch.

I can also see that my jeans now have holes in them, and the skin part of my knees have patches of red across them, and they suddenly ache.

And then when I get up again, I am unsteady, and I feel as though my knees may buckle underneath me, causing me to fall once again, but I keep on running.

I don't get very far before I fall again, and in doing this I hit my head on a rock. Not hard enough for me to pass out, but it still hurts.

I decide that I must stay where I am and rest. Everything hurts, and I've underestimated the temperature of tonight's air, as it is freezing cold, and I'm shivering.

All of a sudden, I can feel something vibrating in my pocket. In fact, I think it may have been going for a while now. I reach into my pocket with a shaky hand and I pull out my phone, which is now buzzing in my hand.

I read the caller ID and it says that it's Noah. This fills me with relief. I press the button to accept the call and hold my phone up to my ear to be able to hear anything on the other end of the call.

"Hello? Cody?" he says, and upon hearing his voice, I almost start to cry again.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry..." I say back quietly.

"Cody? Where are you?" he asks.

"I- I don't know..." I respond, only just now realizing that I am lost.

"What do you mean you don't know?" he asks, sounding panicked.

"I don't know where I am," I say.

"What's surrounding you? Anything significant?"

total drama gcKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat