Diana: Yeah, yeah. The only one who'll be flabbergasted, is you.

Link: How so?


Diana: You'll see.

Link: If you say so...

He pulls out a small box, handing it to Diana.

Diana: What's this?

Link: I got you a music box... Just in case you get homesick.


Kissing him on the cheek, Diana heads off with her father to the kingdoms far from here. Diana and Link would write to each other. However, these letters were a mixed bag...

"Dear Link...

In my travels across these lands, I've had to sit through many boring discussions.

These adults are so foolish. Embellishing the complexities of their issues. If I was in power, I could solve them with no hassle.

Perhaps you were right. I should have smuggled you along and started a few wars.

That would have at least forced them all into action.

But enough politics. How are you?

Yours truly; D."

"Dear Diana...


"Dear Link...

I waited two weeks for a "neat"!?

Give me more than that, damn it! I'm so bored! This is the only reliable source of entertainment!

Now after you read this, take a pen, and write me a real damn letter! And since I know you might write something even shorter out of spite...

I might have a "gift" for you if you write me a thoughtful message.

Yours filled with wrath, D."

"Dear Diana...

You've caught my interest. So...

In the many moons that you've been gone, I've caught myself thinking of you.

But I must steady my hand.

And continue to train.

Momo's vicious parenting is all to make me strong. Both to defend myself and those I care for, which in the end, is you.

Yours faithfully, L.

P.S.; I hope the gift is meat or a cool weapon. If you can get a Proto weapon, I'll be happy."

"Dear Link...

You should have stopped at "Yours Faithfully", but whatever. I'll throw you a bone, since before your P.S., it was heartwarming.

Begrudgingly, D."

"Dear Diana...

You sent me a lock of your hair?

Ew. Why?

Confused, L."

"Dear Link...

It's supposed to be romantic!

That way, you'll always have a part of me with you, dumbass.

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