Separate Ways

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Diana was sketching Link as he slowly practiced his sword techniques.

Link: So you're going to visit the other kingdoms?

Diana: Yeah, It'll be nice to get out.

Diana: Besides my father wants me with him so I can learn something about "war and peace".

Link: Wish I could come. But Momo won't let me.

Link: But I was thinking you could hide me in your luggage!

Diana: Let's not start an international incident and several wars.

Link: Ugh. Fine.

Link: How long will you be gone for?

Diana: At least six months.

Link's sword flies out of his hands.

Link: Six months? But that's like... 30 times 6!

Diana: It's at least 6 months. Could be more.

Link: Wow... A whole year without you...

Diana: Oi! Sound more distraught!

Link:(faking it) Oh no...

Diana: Hmph! You have a point!

Diana: A year without you... Maybe I'll find someone to marry!

Diana: Or even better! I'll find an ancient prophecy about how I need to save the world! Without you.

Link: As if!

Link: I'm more likely to defeat Momo! And get out of this country!


Diana: I'll be sure to write. So you better write back. And write when something's happened.

Link: Be sure not to get into trouble. It would be SOOO annoying to have to play out the damsel in distress troupe.

Link: As you know, I'm more about a manly adventure of self-discovery.

Diana:(rolls eyes)



Diana: I better prepare my luggage. I think my father said we leave tomorrow morning.

Diana: You better be there.

Link: Worry about not forgetting your makeup. Wouldn't want people confusing you for a monster.

Diana: You're just mad you'll never be taller than me.

Link: In a year, I'll have enough inches to make you shake!

Diana:(blushes) Phrasing!

Link: Huh? What's wrong with my phrasing?

Diana: Maybe in a year, you'll be smart enough to get it.

Finishing her sketch, Diana packs up her pencils and leaves to pack up her stuff. Link uses the rest of the day to prepare a little gift.

(The next morning....)

As the servants packed the bags of the King and Princess, Link snuck over to Diana to say their goodbyes.

Link: Jeez, a whole year without you threatening to have me hanged...

Diana: A whole year without your high jinx...


Link: Without you, I'll have so much more time to train. So don't be shocked when you get back and I'm considered a legendary swordsman.

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