I'm glad you're okay.

221 3 1

Warning: injury and death? Just so you know. Enjoy the reading.


"Guys, we will need to check the cave on the mountainous part, who will go?" Jin asked the guys.

"I'll go, Jin." Poli said that.

"I'm with you, Poli." Roy said, Jin nodded at this.

"Amber, Helly, you'll need to check the wind generators and if there are any problems, let me know." Jin gave the assignment for the ambulance van and the helicopter, to which they both nodded. All the rescuers headed off to complete their assignments. Poli and Roy headed towards the cave, though they had to find it first. They both transformed to make it easier to find. There was something like a cliff ahead, so they had to be careful in that regard.

"Roy, did you find it?" Poli asked Roy.

"Not yet, what about you?" Roy asked Poli.

"No, maybe we'll look elsewhere?" Poli suggested, to which Roy agreed. Having gone a little further down the hill, they continued to search. Roy looked to his left and saw something that looked like a cave.

"Poli, look." Roy tugged Poli lightly on his left shoulder. The police car looked where the fire truck was pointing. And he saw it too. Poli looked at Roy seriously, he quickly looked from Roy to the cave, then he returned his gaze to Roy, Roy nodded, understanding what Poli was mentally trying to tell. They both went to the cave to explore it. There was nothing unusual inside, fortunately there was nothing dangerous, so the cave was safe unless an earthquake struck. But still, the rescuers had a bad feeling, so they decided to go deeper into the cave. It was getting darker in the cave, so they decided to turn on the headlights. After a while they found nothing.

"Looks like there's nothing strange here, time to go back." Poli said, Roy nodded at that. As they were about to leave, they both felt a faint jolt.

"Did you feel that?" Roy asked Poli, to which the police car nodded. They felt a slightly stronger jolt again, they both realized they needed to leave the cave and quickly headed for the exit. The tremors were getting stronger and they needed to get out of the cave faster. Both rescuers ran as fast as they could, the exit was close but not close enough. Running a little closer they saw a light from the cave entrance. Poli activated the goggles to check the situation of their situation, luck was not on their side: a few rocks near the cave started to collapse, both rescuers reached the exit and the leader made one decision: Seeing that Roy had reached the end and almost went outside, Poli pushed Roy as hard as he could, not knowing if he would make it himself.......


Roy felt a strong push in his back and fell onto the grass. He did not have time to get up and heard a roar behind him, when he stood up and turned towards the cave, he saw a mountain of stones. Under the stones he saw Poli's hand sticking out. Roy quickly headed towards Poli, trying not to panic, he pulled out a drill and crushed several large stones. When Roy finished chipping away at the large rocks, he began moving them aside to get Poli out. Having removed a few stones, he began to see Poli's head, removing a few more stones and the rest of the body began to appear. Finally, having removed the stones, the fire truck saw the police car, he was lying on his stomach and did not move. Roy took Poli by the shoulders, turned him onto his back and began to pull the police car away from the cave. Once he was far enough away from the cave, Roy carefully laid Poli on his back and saw that the windshield was cracked and there were dents. There were several scratches on the body of the police car, and there was a small hole near the knee of the right leg. The police car's eyes were closed, perhaps he was simply unconscious, or the fire truck was trying to calm himself down. Roy grabbed Poli's head with his right hand and activated the scanning glasses. While the scan was going on, Roy noticed that Poli was not breathing and this alarmed him; he assumed that Poli had run out of energy. Suddenly the glasses made an alarming sound, which attracted Roy, he saw a red inscription. The inscription read: "The life chip is faulty."....Faulty....? No.....Roy tried to tell himself that it wasn't true but the glasses kept giving negative results. This began to frighten Roy, and for the first time panic really took hold of him.

Heardtale: Robocar Poli arcDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora