Big Brother and Little Brother (Heardtale RCP arc)

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He was in a dark place and didn't know how he got there. The atmosphere in this place was gloomy, he looked around and saw nothing. There was only darkness everywhere. He didn't know where to go, so he went randomly. There was only endless darkness, it was uncomfortable. Kim walked like that for a while until he came across a silhouette. The silhouette did not move, when Kim came closer to the silhouette, the silhouette still stood and did not move. The silhouette was indistinct and Kim did not recognize this person. The silhouette drew attention to Kim and changed his face. The silhouette was angry at Kim and Kim didn't know what to do.

"You could have saved me, Kim." the silhouette began and Kim began to tremble. The voice was distorted and it only scared me more. The silhouette continued to say: "You could have stopped the bleeding, but you didn't do anything, you just sat there and watched me die. Why did you have to act like a helpless child!? YOU KNEW WHAT TO DO. SO WHY DIDN'T YOU DO ANYTHING?!?!" The silhouette was shouting at Kim and Kim was only shaking harder. Tears began to accumulate in his eyes. He wanted to curl into a ball in his soul but his body refused to obey.

"I... I..." Kim couldn't connect two words from shock. He looked at the silhouette with a frightened look, the silhouette began to disperse and become clearer. Kim couldn't believe his eyes. In front of him was his dead brother, Kim's pupils shrunk more from shock. His brother looked terrible. His eyes had neither whites nor irises. Only blackness, his chest was shot through and there was a hole near his heart. Kim saw his brother's eyes begin to fill with blood and blood trickled from his face like tears.

"Why did I even care about someone like YOU?! His brother said and Kim had tears streaming from his eyes. Kim's breathing quickened and the trembling in his body did not stop.

"What kind of brother are you anyway?! I did everything for you and THIS IS YOUR GRATITUDE?!? the silhouette shouted and Kim only trembled more, tears flowed from the child's eyes.

"sorry, sorry, sorry.."


He woke up abruptly, his face was covered in sweat and his breathing was clean, his eyes were filled with tears. After a while, Kim calmed down, he looked at Conrad and saw that his friend was asleep. Well, he didn't wake anyone up. Kim got up and went to the bathroom to wash up. Before washing, he looked at himself in the mirror. His face was ordinary, except for the purple square, which from a distance looks like a bruise near his left eye, so Kim hid it with his hair, Conrad also had a symbol that he hid but with rescuers in the center they did not do this. After washing, he returned to the room, he dressed warmly and went outside. Unlike Conrad, Kim did not have such a habit as going far away from the place where he lives. He walked up to the wall behind the rescue center, where rescuers go to the training track. Kim looked at the stars, he didn't know who his parents were, he didn't remember them, he remembered his brother who died because of a gunshot. Kim lost his brother at the age of 8. It took him about a year to come to terms with his brother's death. And plus recent events and adoptions surprised both him and Conrad but the children understood that it was necessary and therefore they accepted it. But in fact, adoption is not a bad event, even a good one and the children were just getting used to a new life. Kim recalled the days when his brother was alive, those days were not bad: He and his brother didn't see each other often, but his brother tried to spend time with him. Kim spent some time outside just enjoying the view of the sky, he was immersed in memories that were long ago.....


"Henry, do I have to keep my eyes closed for a long time?" seven-year-old Kim asked his brother. Kim just turned seven and Henry has prepared something special for his little brother

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