You are my family.

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(Lore of one character is present here. Enjoy reading.)


Jin was cleaning the garage to her surprise; Helly returned early from patrol and decided to help her. While cleaning, a photo accidentally fell on the floor, white side up, next to Helly. Helly picked up the photo and turned it to face him. There he was with young Jin and their parents, although they were Jin's parents, but to Helly they were also his parents. The parents themselves were blond, Jin's father had a slightly dark beard and brown eyes, Jin's mother had light amber eyes and was slightly tanned, unlike Jin's father.

"Wow, I was wondering where the photo is." Jin said coming up behind Helly, which made him flinch. But over time he calmed down.

"Well, with such a mess in the garage, it's not surprising that you managed to lose it." Helly commented on this moment, which made Jin chuckle slightly offended.

"But in fact, we haven't called them for a long time, right?" the helicopter asked the dispatcher.

"It's true. I'll have to call them in the evening, if there are no calls." Jin said this and made a note to herself.

"Yeah, I think they'll be glad to see us." Helly said this with a smile and joy in his voice. Jin was sorting through things in one box and took out a piece of paper with the inscription "I should tell him when the time comes." Jin shuddered slightly, realizing that this means and what kind of note this is. She didn't know what to do until they approached her.

"Jin, what's wrong?" Helly carefully touched Jean's shoulder. She turned to him and saw concern in his eyes. The dispatcher sighed in hopelessness and sat down on a chair, Helly put the photo on the table, waiting for an answer from Jin.

"Helly, while we're alone, can we talk?" Jean asked him, Helly didn't understand what the question was, but nodded, giving a positive answer.

"Do you remember how mom and dad said that you were originally created as a rescuer?" Jin asked Helly.

"Um...yes. Should they have told me anything else?" Helly asked her.

"Not them, but me." Jin answered the question, the helicopter felt uneasy. Jin began her story.


"I hope they don't kill me," young Jin stayed late with her work until the night. Jin's parents were late at work and would not return until the next day. It was raining outside, not hard, but you could get wet quickly. Unexpectedly for Jin herself, someone knocked on the front door of the house. She carefully walked to the front door and looked through the peephole. There stood a man in light clothes, all wet. Jin carefully opened the front door and the man was surprised, not expecting that the door would be opened for him.

"Good evening, it would be more correct to say "night". I'm Brandon and I'm here on business, but I couldn't find the nearest hotel for the night. Can I stay here for the night? I'll leave right away the next morning." The man introduced himself and explained his situation. Jin didn't know how to react to this, but decided to help the man.

"Come in." Jin stepped aside, allowing him to pass. Brandon leaned in thanks and walked forward. Taking off his shoes, he and Jin went to the bathroom so he could dry himself there. After a while, Brandon dried himself off while Jin waited outside. As Jin walked the man to the kitchen and turned on the light, she took a better look at the man: he had brown hair, the left side of his face was burned, and he had a prosthetic arm on his left arm. The left eye seemed to be blind, and the right eye was dark pink. He was wearing a light blue jacket and black trousers.

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