A son without a father and a father without a son.

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I say in advance, it's just angst and comfort is possible. Also a small lore of one of our main characters. Enjoy reading. (Here Kim and Conrad are already adopted and are 10.)


For Conrad, it is the norm not to sleep, rather to fall asleep later than the others at the station. And it always made him feel a little lonely. And for the most part because of this feeling, he went out of the station for night walks, and he started doing it when he was an orphan, but this night was important for the boy. He dressed quietly, also taking a jetpack. He wrote a note and put it on his pillow so that others would know where he was. The boy left the station and flew to a place that is not suitable for children. He flew up to the gates of the town cemetery, the gates to which Conrad flew up were spare, the boy did not dare to go through the main ones, because he was afraid that he would be seen. Landing on the ground, he turned off the jetpack and carefully opened the gates. Going inside the cemetery, he closed the gates and began to look for the right tombstone. The night vision mode in his glasses helped him see better, so the search would take less time than the boy feared. After passing several hillocks, he saw a tombstone with the name and surname of the person he was looking for. He turned off the night vision mode of his glasses and smiled weakly but sadly.

"Hi...dad." Conrad said softly and with a slight sadness. There was no answer but Conrad did not expect an answer. He knew there would be no answer. But Conrad continued:

"I know I visited you recently but today is a special date. It may be unpleasant to some extent but it's still special. Heh, it's been 4 years since your death. I didn't even think I'd live this long without you. Don't get me wrong, my days aren't shrouded in just one sadness. In fact, the days are going well. Soon Kim and I will be officially announced as rescues assistants. Yes, after a year of living with rescuers, we will be declared assistants. In fact, I'm even a little nervous. After all, they have never announced me, so it will be an experience for me." Conrad continued, his voice was quiet and full of slight sadness. Again, there is only silence in response. Conrad knew that silence would always be the answer. And this made Conrad a little uncomfortable, the boy continued talking anyway.

"You know, I sometimes wondered why you always took only me on night walks. And honestly, the rest (rescuers with Kim) are also asking this question. I guess you didn't want to tell me. But....I more or less know why, but maybe I'm wrong. I just don't understand why my mother was jealous of you because of me. Sometimes when I think about it...I get more questions than answers." Conrad said and it's really confusing, he learned this information from his father's acquaintances. The boy looked at the tombstone, but nothing happened. The sky was without clouds, the moon shone with a bright white light and the light of the moon fell on Conrad. The boy felt the pressure of silence, because of which any child might not have been able to stand it. Conrad himself began to laugh involuntarily but not with joy. It was the laugh of knowing that his father would never answer. The boy did not notice how tears began to accumulate in his eyes. A small tear started falling from his left eye and his body was shaking, not much but it was noticeable. Despite the tears, the boy smiled weakly and sadly.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have cried tonight. After all, tonight...just another night and day without you...." Conrad said it quietly so that he wouldn't be heard. Even if there was no one else in the cemetery but him. He looked at the tombstone with sympathy.

 He looked at the tombstone with sympathy

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