Chapter 16

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I heard the alarm clock ring on the night stand which was surprising because usually, I set the alarm all optimistic but really knowing it wouldn't be my wake up call in the morning because Brook normally woke up before it and made sure to let us know. But today, the alarm echoed through the room so I quickly rolled over and turned it off before the alarm could wake Brook. Before I could even roll back, I felt Pete's arms snake around me so I turned around and cuddled into his chest. "Good morning" he said quietly and kissed my forehead. I smiled, stroking his cheek with my finger. "Morning." He smiled too. "Babe, do you know what we're doing today?" "Working" I replied, rolling my eyes. He chuckled and stroked my hair, running his fingers through it. "Nope, I've cleared your whole afternoon and evening and we're gonna make up for our date." "And how did you do that, Peter?" He laughed. "Glad you asked. I called Fran and asked her to cover for you. And I finished the contract with Olivia as a surprise because now you can just call her any time you need help with Brook or someone to look after her. She'll be here until we're back so we don't have to worry." "We had to last time." "Brook is fine, nothing will happen." "But I..." "No." I sighed, then smiled, looking up into his eyes. "Thank you" I said and kissed him. "And what are we doing?" "Surprise."

I did the work I couldn't postpone any longer but then I took a shower and got ready since Pete had announced we'd be leaving as soon as Olivia arrived which would already be in the early afternoon. He wouldn't tell me what to wear but since it was still early, I decided to just go for a black dress that was tight at the waist and then fell loosely to just above my knees. Then I put on my favourite heels and made my way downstairs and into the kitchen where Pete was feeding Brook. I came over and sat down at the table, looking at her and sighed. "She's going to be fine" Pete assured me. "Shouldn't we be here for her 24/7?" I asked. "What kind of parents are we?" "The kind of parents that need some time to themselves, especially you, Charlie. You've been so stressed. And I've got the whole day planned, don't back out on me now." I smiled and messed up his hair, kissing his cheek. "No, don't worry."

The doorbell rang. "I'll get it" I announced and crossed the hallway, opening the front door. "Hey" Olivia said. "I'm so glad everything worked out and I can't wait to get to know Brook properly" she said, seeming excited. I smiled. "Come in." She followed me into the kitchen and sat down, watching Pete as he put the bottle down, handed Brook to me and then cleaned it. "You're so lucky" she mouthed, gesturing to Pete doing the dishes. I grinned and shrugged before handing Brook to her. "You've got all our numbers, yeah?" Pete made sure as he dried his hands and then came over to me. Olivia nodded. "Yes, you have nothing to worry about. Enjoy your day off, have fun and don't feel like you have to come back early, take your time, I'll be here all night if it's necessary. Okay?" "Are you sure?" I asked. She smiled. "Yes! Take your mind off things, she'll be cool with me and if anything's wrong, I'll be sure to call you right away." "Do you think something will be wrong?" I asked, looking at Pete in panic. He shook his head. "Everything will be fine, don't worry about it." I sighed and took his hand that he was holding out for me. "Okay." Then I leaned over to Brook, kissing her cheek. "Bye-bye, baby." She made a little noise and I smiled. "Behave." Olivia laughed. Pete smiled and led me to the door so I wouldn't keep looking back. I had to get used to this, I couldn't be around Brook 24/7.

"You really won't tell me where we're going?" I asked in the car, watching him drive from the side. Pete shook his head. "All I can tell you is we're gonna have a typical High School date." I laughed. "What?" "Trust me, you'll love it." After a few more minutes, we stopped in a street I had never seen. "What are we doing?" He turned off the car and rolled his eyes. "Do you not have any patience, woman?" he asked, pretending to be offended. I laughed. He came around the car and opened the door for me. "Oh, very nice" I said as he linked arms with me. And when he headed for the building around the corner, I looked at him in disbelief. "Ice-skating? That's so cool!" I said. "Can you?" "Can I? Of course, I used to do this all the time with my sister!" He grinned. "Who I have still not met, by the way." "You will at the wedding" I replied. "Which is why it'd be good to have our closest family stay with us around that day!" "I said I'll think about it" I replied and wrapped both my arms around his arm, leaning my head against his shoulder. "This is so cool!" I repeated when we walked in and he paid, receiving skates in our sizes. "Thanks" I said and led him over to one of the benches outside the ice to change. "Can we lock our stuff in?" I asked. He nodded and gathered all our stuff with value together, grabbed our shoes and brought them into a locker around the corner. Then he came back. I had already put on the skates and waited for him. He quickly slid into his and we carefully made our way onto the ice.

I gripped his hand because I hadn't done this in a while although I remembered being quite good at it the last time but that had been several years ago. I was so nervous that I wasn't even cold, I didn't want to fall. Pete held onvto me too as we got a little bit faster, skating hand in hand. It took me a few minutes to fall into the routine but then I let go of his hand and found my feet moving on their own. I had done this so many times that it was all automatic, I didn't need any concentration or help or anything, I turned around and let myself skate backwards, looking at Pete who was still a little unsure but I just smirked and skated around him before I took his hand again and helped him. He got more sure as well and soon enough we were both skating around, laughing, occasionally even dancing a little.

When we got off the ice rink, it was already dark outside and it felt weird walking without the skates as we stepped outside, especially with my heels. He opened the door of the car for me and I climbed in. "That was so much fun!" I said as he started driving again. He smiled, putting his hand down on thigh, letting it run up and down. "I'm glad" he said. "It was such a sweet idea, how did you think of that?" He shrugged. "I don't know, I thought you'd enjoy that sort of cheesy High School date." "But that wasn't it, was it?" I asked, knowing him too well. He smirked. "What makes you think that?" "Was it?" I repeated, looking at him with a grin. He gave me a smug, proud smile. "Of course it wasn't." "I knew it. Where are we going now?" He just shook his head and kept driving but I could start to tell and my assumption turned out correctly when he stopped in front of the cinema. I jumped out of the car and shut the door. "What are we watching?" I asked when he came around the car and put his hand on my lower back, guiding me forward. "They're showing The Truman Show." "I watched that at the movies with my High School boyfriend when it first came out!" I laughed. He grinned and pulled me closer to his side. "I watched it at the movies when it first came out too, with this girl who used to support us back with Arma Angelus." "Such a long time ago." He nodded. "Right?"

During the movie, he made sure that our hands met in the popcorn, he pulled the typical move, stretching out his arm behind me and after half the movie, he put the popcorn down on the seat next to his and pulled me onto his lap. "Excuse me, I would like to see the movie?" I said, acting bitchy. He laughed and ran his fingers through my hair, pressing his lips on mine softly.

When we came out of the theater, I fumbled for my phone in my bag. "I just want to call Olivia, make sure everything's okay. Is that allowed?" He laughed and put his arm around my shoulder. "Of course." I waited for her to pick up and she did almost immediately. "Hi, Charlie! Is everything okay?" she asked. "Yeah, I just wanted to check in if everything's okay with you and Brook." "Oh, yeah, I'm just reading one of the books I found in her room to her. She seems to enjoy it." "That's great, has she eaten?" "Yeah, I gave her the bottle. Are you having fun on your date?" "Yeah, thanks." "Alright, no worries then. See you later?" "Later." I hung up and put my phone away again. Pete kissed the side of my forehead. "So, everything alright?" I nodded and smiled up at him. "Yeah."

It was almost midnight when Pete stopped the car again. "I'm starving" I said. "That's why we're gonna eat something." "Where? What's open now?" He grinned and got out of the car, taking my hand as I got out as well. He locked the car and led me into a little diner on the corner. "Sit down, I'll order" he said. "You don't even know what I want." He laughed. "I know you so well, Charlie, you have no idea." I smirked and shrugged, sitting down in a booth by the window, gazing out into the dark streets. The diner was full, mostly there were High School couples, some groups of friends and a few people alone with their laptops as an alternative to Starbucks.

Though, it didn't take long until Pete came to the table with a tray full of food. There were burgers, fries, some ice-cream and a huge milkshake with two straws. "Very cute" I said and smiled as he sat down opposite me. I took his hand over the table. "This is such a sweet idea, I mean, the whole evening. I needed that, thank you." He smirked. "I'd say this is the perfect moment for the first kiss but I mean..." he grinned and shrugged. I laughed and leaned over the table to kiss him, putting my hand into his neck. "I love you so much" I said when I sat back. He smiled, stroking my hand. "I love you too."

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