Chapter 1

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My POV (Guinevere)

I am a girl and I am 12 I live with my so-called mother and father who abuse me when I wake up till I go to bed. I have brown eyes and dirty blond hair.

I am at four so I can get ready for school and clean and make breakfast for my parents. I am not allowed to eat or drink something. I am getting dressed in old clothes that barely fit me but I am happy that I am not living in the streets.

When I am dressed I make my way into the kitchen where I make breakfast. I make eggs and bacon. When breakfast was ready I decided to start walking to school. It takes me thirty minutes when I am finally in front of the school. It is only five in the morning but getting away from hell is better.

You see I am a little bit too scared to tell my parents. I know they would hurt me more.

I walk into the building to go where I can maybe do my schoolwork. I wish I could understand but I don't. I don't understand it so I leave it.

The subjects I have at school are:


That was it but I never understood it. I have English first so I am going to the class. I sit in the back of the class at least there are a few kids in the glass. The teacher is sitting at the desk setting up his laptop and making sure everything is working before the school bell goes off. The kids start filling the class and I look down.

"Please correct your homework and I will make sure everyone has done their homework."Mister Brown said

I started correcting my homework but here is the thing I have to write everything down. Mister Smiths gets to my desk and I look down. I was scared of him.

"Guinevere, please stay behind."He said to me and I nodded my head.

As the lesson went on I didn't understand what we were doing.

Forty minutes go by and the lesson is over. I say seated and when everyone is out I stand up on my two feet and feel like there are only bones.

"Guinevere this is the every day now. You haven't done the homework and I must say I am very disappointed in you. I will be phoning your parents about this. I am sorry because I am getting tired of you not doing your homework."Mister Brown said and it felt like my world was shattered. It did break like the glass of a car when it was in the accident.

School goes like that all day till it is three o'clock. I started walking home if I could even call it home.

I see the house that is coming into view. The house pant is faring away almost like I am faring away. The grass is overgrown. It is as tall as I am but brown and dead. I walk through the door and my mother grabs me by my hair.

"You Stupid pathetic person."She said

"Your English and mathematics teacher phoned me saying you haven't done your homework since the school year started."My mother said and my father walked into the room.

My mother grabbed my hands and my father started to hit me on my stomach. when he was done hitting my stomach he told me to go make dinner.

As I am making dinner I feel my bones scream with pain. I decided to make pasta so I got the water on the stove. I make mince and when the water is coming I put the pasta in the water.

While the food is cooking I get the table ready. When the food is done I dish up for them. I place the bowls down on the table and I sit down on the floor. When they eat I always need to kneel by the dining room door. They always let me sit like this doesn't matter if I am in pain.

I also needed to go to the bathroom badly but I needed to hold it. My dad was the first one to eat his dinner and he stood up and kicked me. He kicked me and that is when I did let go. I did pee everywhere.

"You picking baby. You can't do anything right."My dad said and he started kicking where everything went black.

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