Chapter 9

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When Satoru said NO with a serious face, Suguru felt his heart dropped to his stomach.

But it eventually came back to normal when Satoru said the reason.

Satoru’s silly ass cannot accept that Suguru asked him out first, so he said no. Then he asked Suguru the same question.

This narcissistic Superstar Celebrity is so fucking unbelievable! It’s the same shit. Why did he have to give Suguru that painful answer!? It’s not good for his heart.

But finally. Fucking finally, they’re now officially boyfriends. No more contemplating, no more what ifs, they can kiss anytime, and they can do whatever they want as a couple, keeping it low and private.

Lowkey and private?

Oh, they wished.

Satoru couldn’t keep his hands to himself. Whether it was inside the cozy confines of the bakery, within Suguru’s or his apartment– his hands and body will always find its way to Suguru.

Holding him, hugging him, and invading his personal space without hesitation, regardless of what Suguru was doing.

On the other hand, Suguru never seemed bothered by Satoru’s constant physical contact. In fact, he welcomed it with open arms. He couldn’t resist Satoru’s charms either.

His warm touch and warm embrace feels comforting against his skin, that it eventually became natural for him to let Satoru do anything he wanted.

They’ve been on several dates during Satoru’s day offs. Sometimes it would be in the city but most of the time they’ll go on a trip to the countryside for some fresh air, it was Satoru’s request.

At least in the countryside they can enjoy picnic in greenfields, or bask in the warm morning sun of the beach without being bothered by fans.

The thing is, they had to wear some disguise in order to avoid being noticed by the public considering Satoru’s popularity.

But that doesn’t stop them from having fun. They could even stay in each other’s apartment while watching movies and it would still be fun for them. It’s the simple things that matters anyway.

Satoru just got home from a drama shooting, he postponed his schedule for a week and now he has to get back to work for the missing days.

How long has it been since he last saw Suguru? It’s mentally and physically draining him being far away from his boyfriend. Satoru needs his love and kisses right now, and also his emotional support.

He checks the time, it’s almost 4 in the morning. Satoru can’t call Suguru right now since Suguru is definitely resting and Satoru knows how tiring it is to handle a bakery that’s operating for 20 hours.

Suguru is such a hard working man, he would be a good father.

If Satoru can’t see Suguru right now, then he’ll just stare at his face. Opening his gallery, Satoru smiles.

Seeing Suguru’s gentle and genuine smile on each images instantly recharged Satoru’s draining energy. He scrolled down to the last days of November and opened a specific picture, it was the days when he first met Suguru.

The sight of Suguru wearing a fit black buttoned shirt and a brown apron looks really sexy in his eyes. This image was taken on the second day of Satoru’s visit in the bakery.

Yes, Satoru secretly took a picture of a busy Suguru, who’s about to pull out a cookie tray from the shelf behind the counter. Satoru is such a stalker and Suguru doesn’t know about any of these, but god– his boyfriend is stunning.

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