Chapter 2

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Suguru woke up past his usual alarm, probably because he couldn’t sleep with Satoru’s cake in mind. He had to do his morning routine before proceeding with his responsibilities for the entire day as a boss of his little bakery. Spent 30 minutes jogging, then a quick shower, and finally drinking his favorite hot coffee on his way to his shop.
The atmosphere’s getting colder, one of these days it will start snowing. Hmm... Where should he spend his winter holidays?
“Ah– boss! Morning!!” his opening part-timer Haibara Yuu wagged his invisible tail as soon as he saw Suguru stepped out of the backroom. Yuu really loves his boss, in a way that he looks up to him and respect him so much as his boss and his senpai. They were schoolmates in college, but Yuu is 2 years younger than Suguru which is why he’s still in uni and can only work part-time in the bakery. He can’t wait to graduate next year, so he could apply for full-time.

“Morning Haibara-kun, you’re early.” Suguru smiled.
Honestly speaking, Yuu doesn’t need money from this part-time job. His family is rich and can afford everything he wants. He just wanted to be in close proximity with his Suguru-senpai as much as possible.

“Of course! I like the idea of opening the shop. Anyway, I know you already ate but I brought some onigiri and miso soup, grandma made it.” he pulled out a wrapped bento box from under the counter and sat with Suguru.

“Oh, talk about being responsible. Haha say hi to grandma for me and thanks for the food.” Suguru smiled again as he ruffled Yuu’s hair, which the latter beamed in return still wagging his invisible tail at the praise. It’s still 5 in the morning so they ate some while waiting for customers.
“Ughh! I really hate uni! Why do I have to go to class!” Yuu started sulking after 5 hours. He has class in Tokyo that starts at 11am and ends at 9pm, this is the main reason why he can only take a 5-hour morning shift. Suguru chuckled and had gently pushed Yuu towards the backroom, since he refuses to leave.

“Because you need that bachelor’s degree? Come on Haibara-kun.”

“30 more minutes?”

“No, even if you do have a car there’s still traffic along the way. I wouldn’t want you to be late in class just because you work here.”

“How about 15 minutes?”

“Hmm okay... hold on, I’m gonna update the log sheet and lessen your shift for this week.” Suguru faked reached for his laptop on his personal table, which immediately made Yuu walk towards the backroom on his own volition.

“Boss look. I’m stepping outside, see? I’m going now, see you tomorrow! Don’t change my schedule okay?” he shouted the last part.
Suguru could only chuckle on how cute his kouhai slash employee is, thankfully his part-timers are responsible with their tasks that he couldn’t ask for more.
Now he has alone time with himself and his bakery. Suguru opened his journal and wrote something related to the new dessert that he’s planning to sell in the future. Suguru could live like this for the rest of his life. Doing the things that makes him happy wouldn’t get him tired nor bored, not even in the slightest. Yes, Suguru doesn’t make much like the other bakeries and coffee shops but he’s still happy. He started this business with making pastries for people in mind, then money comes in second. It was just really nice to follow along with what his heart desires, so Suguru is nonetheless happy if he makes it big or not.

As Suguru kept scribbling the recipes and designs that he’ll experiment to, he’s suddenly reminded the cake that Satoru requested. He could barely keep an eye shut because of that. It’s not that he doesn’t want to do it, he actually does! Suguru wants to make one for Satoru and even considered adding more pastries since he realized how much of a sweet tooth Satoru is, with how he saw him eat yesterday. Suguru actually thought that Satoru bought all those sweets for someone, but he didn’t expect it to be for himself. Like literally, in front of his eyes, Suguru watched Satoru down a whole round cake that can at least feed 8 people. Also the mochis and cookies that he regularly takes out. Satoru is really a sweet tooth, which is why Suguru wants to make the best cake for him. Not to mention the tips that Satoru wouldn’t mind leaving on the shop, Suguru just can’t keep accepting it without something in return. Maybe if it was $10 or $20 Suguru might’ve let it slide, but a thousand bucks!? For two days!?

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