Chapter 7: Is this Love?

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Asta sat there in the subway as he was headed home, still feeling depressed about what happened at lunch. The way she ran away from him was as if a knife struck him a thousand times, not knowing what to do about their relationship or why she ran away, Asta felt himself thinking harder than ever to find out what happened.


Noelle sat in the passenger seat of Vanessa's car as she thought what to do next, she didn't want to focus too much on what happened in math and decided it was best that she would try to forget about it, though in her brain that memory stuck like gum on the bottom of your shoe. Noelle texted her boyfriend Patri, saying she would be at the mall, asking him if he would like to come over, trying her best to not be reminded about what she felt when she looked at him.

"Hey Noelle, what store should we go to first?" Charmy asked, unaware of the answer Noelle would give.

The Silva girl immediately thought about him and decided that she should get him something at the mall as an apology, she remember that he went into this one store to find equipment. That was where she wanted to go. "Well uhm theres this MMA store called Warrior Fight I want to go to first then we can go buy whatever".

Everyone in the car was surprised, they thought she wanted to buy perfume or some new clothes, but instead wanted to go to a store they've never thought she would go to, thinking that she wanted to join MMA Charmy felt worried. "You sure your ok Noelle?" Charmy asked, she wanted to make sure her best friend wasn't delusional in her decision or had any problems that lead her to choose this store.

"Yeah, I'm alright why?" Noelle tried hiding her feelings, not wanting to start drama about the math class incident. Charmy looked at her cautiously and thought something was suspicious. Noelle just sat there in silence, staring outside the window as the rest of them sang their favourite songs and chatted about everything.


Asta made it home safely after riding the subway, he looked less saddened about the situation at lunch and was happy that he was home, his mother, Lichita, sat on the couch as she watched her favourite movie, Die Hard, which made no sense since she always hated blood, violence and anything to do with fighting.

Asta unlocked the front door and entered his house, "hi mom!" Asta said with a smile, he was still feeling sad that he couldn't do anything, but decided he should wait till he has the time to think about a plan.

"Hi hun" Lichita saw her son, she immediately knew he was hiding something and that she should know about it.

"So what are you hiding?" Lichita questioned, it startled Asta, he didn't think his mom would know he was hiding something.

"N-nothing mom haha, well uh would you look at that I have uhm- homework!" Asta dashed off into his room and shut the door immediately, he didn't want to talk about "it" right now.

"Asta open up!" Lichita banged on Asta's door, he brought himself up towards the door, trying to block his mother from entering, scared that she would burst through, Asta tried his best to stop his mother from barging in.

"ASTA STARIA OPEN UP BEFORE I KICK IN!" Lichita wasn't waiting for her son to tell her, she wanted to know what he was hiding and thought that if she didn't know it would affect more than just him.

"Uh, I told you I had homework!" Asta's voice was shaking, he couldn't hold back his mothers kicks any longer and was about to get flung back.

"Alright Asta you leave me no choice!" The kicking stopped and Asta felt relieved, he slowly walked away from the door and sat on his bed as he sighed in relief. All of a sudden the door flung open and Asta jolted backwards and fell off his bed, staring at the angered Lichita towering him, like he was facing a giant.

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