Chapter 4: New Day

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Sunday felt like a breeze to Asta, he was just so excited to finally be going to his new school that he didn't really pay attention to his schedule for school he received. It was sent yesterday in the morning and Asta just didn't pay attention to it, his mother luckily noticed it sitting on the counter after Asta put it there and his mother asked Asta why he didn't study his schedule before school.

"Come on hun it didn't take much time. Now you don't know where your math class or history class is!" Lichita said worried.

"Its fine mom" Asta said as he ate breakfast.

"Its not fine! what if people laugh at you" Lichita still worrying about her son returned back to cooking his lunch. Asta on the other hand decided that he needed to get ready after the clock read "7:35", so he got up and headed straight for the shower. Asta eventually left the shower and started getting ready for school, putting on his uniform for this first time, but noticed it was too ugly for him, the uniforms long sleeve shirt had a dark blue and black diamond pattern on the torso and white sleeves while the pants were this grey-ish colour, 'terrible' Asta thought while groaning, to make it worse for Asta the torso was made out of wool which he hated.

"Hun its almost time to leave!" Lichita said.

"Alright coming out now!" Asta yelled back, as Asta left his room and headed towards the kitchen he got a notification on his phone and noticed he was added to a group chat, to which he opened.
                         MMA Sports!!!

Liebe: YOO this is a new group chat for us 4!

Magna: Great!

Asta didn't really care and continued walking towards the kitchen to grab his lunch.

"No headband today?" Lichita asked noticing he wasn't wearing his favourite headband.

"Nah not today, don't want to mess up my hair even more" Asta said.

"Well why do you think that Asta?" Lichita questioned.

"Theres a bunch of royalty kids and I don't want to seem like I'm not one of them" A worried Asta said.

"Oh ok" Lichita had a worried look on her face, scared that her baby boy was doing it so that he didn't get laughed at. Asta then grabbed his lunch and put it in his bag and left saying goodbye to his mother. As Asta was heading towards the subway, Asta saw Magna and called for him.

"Whats good Asta!" Magna said pumped up.

"Nothing much" Asta replied back.

"Alright well lets get going" Magna said. As they were walking towards the subway Magna kept wondering why Asta was so silent, he usually would be talkative every time, but today seemed off to Magna.

"You good my man?" Magna asked.

"Yeah why?" Asta said.

"Not talking much today" Magna said.

"Just trying to keep a cool before we make it to the school" Asta said smiling at Magna. Magna thought it was something else, but eventually shrugged it off. Soon they were in the subway.

"Man I don't know if I can't keep this up Magna!" Asta said while sitting down anxiously shaking his legs.

"What do you mean?" Magna asked.

"My excitement!" Asta was starting to bite his fingers.

"Alright well um I don't know what to do Asta" Magna said. After that little incident they managed to make it to their new school and headed towards the school exiting out of the subway lobby. Once they exited they both saw Luck and Liebe "chatting" well Liebe was the one chatting while trying to avoid Luck's insanely fast punches.

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