Chapter 3: Mall trouble

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Asta woke up more tired than usual, this time he was on the couch. He managed to get himself up to notice his mom was also asleep, but wearing the same clothes she wore last night, Asta was so excited remembering the combat gym, cafeteria, cafe and restaurant, he just couldn't wait.
Today was a Saturday, so Asta removed his clothes in his room and changed to something else then laid on his bed, picked up his phone and texted with Liebe.


Liebe: wanna hang out today?

Asta: sure what time

Liebe: 2PM my parents want me to do something for them which im annoyed 😒

Asta: lmao i got it

Asta then turned off his phone and headed towards the living room to check on his mother. 'Knocked out huh mom' Asta thought, so he had to do the chores today since his mother was passed out on the couch, but before he could he laid his mother down, grabbed a blanket and placed it over her, hearing her soft snores made Asta's heart warm, he knew it wouldn't last though so he went to work grabbing the duster and started his chores. Hours went by and Lichita was still asleep, 'shes really out of it huh' Asta was quite worried she wouldn't wake up, but he didn't care since he knew it wouldn't happen. Asta was now on his last chore which was to take the hair out of the shower plug, oh how he hated doing this job, the hairy blob started to slowly appear and Asta noticed it picked up some dirt while being down there, he cursed his mother for this, it was so disgusting to him that he almost threw up looking at how much dirt the now disgusting hair picked up.
After that certain incident Lichita woke up and found Asta throwing out the blob of hair in the washroom.

"Hi hun" A bed headed Lichita said as she entered the washroom.

"Did you drink last night mom?" Asta asked not even saying hi back.

"WHA- NO I DIDN'T" Lichita smacked Asta on the head and he fell to the ground rubbing his head while rolling on the ground in pain.

"I'M SORRY!" Asta screamed. Asta didn't know why his mom was sensitive when he talked about alcohol, but he didn't want to ask since he knew what would happen, as he got back up his mom brung out the trash from the washroom and kitchen.

"Asta did you start the laundry!" Lichita said from outside.

"No why?" Asta questioned.

"Alright, just wondering" Lichita then went back inside and locked the door before she entered the washroom to take a shower. Asta on the other hand had nothing to do, so he went to go watch TV. Asta's living room wasn't the best with molding spots in the top corners of the room, a whole bunch of clutter was on their traditional Japanese table, the remote was missing a cover, the batteries were almost spilling out, the room was carpeted making it hard to vacuum and the space wasn't big enough to fit more than 10 people, it really was quite a small space, but they made it work. Asta's notifications were blasting on his phone while it vibrated like there was an earthquake due to Liebe's constant messages. Asta then picked up his phone and realized the time.

"Mom!" Asta yelled as Lichita was drying her hair.

"Whats wrong?" Lichita asked as she turned off the dryer.

"I'm meeting up with my friends today ok?" Asta said trying to get ready as fast as he could.

"Alright do be careful though, I don't want to have to take care of you again if you pass out" Lichita then turned back on the dryer and Asta left locking the door behind him. Liebe was waiting at the entrance of the subway, 'what if he ditched me? Nah he wouldn't, I'm sure he's just taking his time' Liebe thought. Thirty minutes passed and Liebe was still waiting and just as he was about to leave a panting Asta was right in front of him.

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