Chapter 6: Regret

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Asta heard Mimosa crying, he wanted to help badly, but knew it was a bad idea to go inside and try to comfort her. The bell rang and Asta had to leave, of course he didn't want to, he liked Mimosa and wanted to be a good friend to her and stay, but he did have his favourite class next and he didn't want to miss it.

The ash-grey haired boy chose his class and started walking away disappointed in himself, wondering why he couldn't comfort the poor Vermillion in the washroom or why he chose his class over a girl he was starting to love. Saddened, Asta shed a tear with a face full of sadness planted all over it.

Noelle was nearby and noticed Asta walking away, while she heard her Vermillion friend crying in the girls washroom, she immediately thought Asta done something to her and rushed into the girls washroom cursing him.

"Mimosa! C'mon out you don't have to tell me anything, your hurt and I can hear you crying outside" Noelle only thought about what Asta might've done to her and not considering that something else happened. She cared about her Vermillion friend and decided that the ash-grey haired boy should pay for what he'd done even though he didn't do anything.

"Please Noelle *hic* I don't want to come out just leave me here" Mimosa's defence was weakening further and she couldn't hold up the walls any longer as she wanted to be alone, the fact that what happened during lunch hurt her was something she couldn't hold back, all those nasty words between the two of them got to her, she just wanted to love him.

"I'll force myself in there Mimosa please come out" Noelle banged on the stall Mimosa was in, each hit was harder than the last one, one by one Noelle was screaming in pain as she hit harder, causing Mimosa on the other side to laugh a little.

"Whats so funny you little red head" Noelle joked as she rubbed her reddened fist, she was getting the old Mimosa back and was happy about it, although she still was thinking of a plan to get pay back to what she thought Asta did to her.

"I'm laughing because of your weak attempt to get me out, its funny how violence is your way to get me out even though there are other ways" Mimosa stopped crying and started wiping the tears away, she was happy again and realized that they were going to be late for class.

"Getting you to laugh is my way to get you out you know" Noelle smiled at herself, thinking to herself as a hero in some special way.

"Wait were gunna be late!" Noelle heard Mimosa's feet shuffle as she got back up and unlocked the stall door, the next thing surprised her as Mimosa walked out and tripped, she fell onto Noelle and it turned into an awkward hug.

"Careful there princess you don't want to get your knight in shining armour killed" Mimosa laughed and pushed Noelle away jokingly telling her to shut up. Noelle felt relieved she got her out and happy again, she was a good friend to the Vermillion and thought of her as a special person she admires.

"C'mon lets go to our geography class lunch is over" Noelle and Mimosa laughed as they both left the girls washroom, walking away to their class.

Asta felt some tears escape his eyes as he walked away from the girls washroom Mimosa was in, he couldn't at all hear her crying as he was too into thought and depressed at what he should do, knowing he chose the wrong thing to do he planned to apologize to her for not being there for her. Asta slowly walked to his gym class as he only heard his breathing, wanting to really comfort her badly. He made it to his gym class after hearing the bell ring twice and was in the changing room getting ready.

Liebe noticed Asta walk out a little late after changing for so long and walked over to him worried, "yo you good my guy?" Liebe thought about what happened and thought he might've ruined Asta's shot at grabbing her.

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