He only needed to press his heels against both sides of her abdomen for Ta'ira to kick off the ground. She blew sand into that air she previously breathed and took off into the rising morning air, her hoofs crashing powerfully against the most solid parts of the ground beneath them to propel them forward. Riyad's fingers tightened around the reins just as his legs pressed into her body, keeping him firm in his place on her back. He lowered his head to minimize the resistance of the wind blowing against him. Beneath him, Ta'ira recognized the shift of weight across her back and bowed herself, flying forward.

Riyad tied her lead around the base of an olive tree a short distance into the fields where her light color would be concealed through the low-hanging greenery. His weapon was concealed in the bag thrown a few feet away, expertly placed by Farhan who'd arrived earlier than them. Kneeling on the soil dampened from the morning fog, Riyad wrapped the keffiyeh over his head and across his features to conceal his identity before hoisting the rifle over his shoulders and sprinting down the narrow alleyway.

The sound of firing gunshots led his way across the shut doors of the residential areas that had found themselves in the center of the warfare. He pressed himself against the wall as the sound of battle neared, measuring his steps carefully. His eyes continued to scan every corner around him because Riyad was fully aware of the situation he'd been placed in. Unlike most times, he was now at risk of walking directly into a line of fire.

When he found a ladder lifted high into the air leading to the rooftop of the building next to him, Riyad hoisted himself into the air to tug it down. It screeched under his weight so he climbed quickly. Once he reached the center, Riyad hooked his legs between two steps and leaned down to drag the metal back up to its initial position. It didn't scream as loudly.

Perching himself on the empty rooftop, Riyad carefully placed his rifle near the edge of the higher border surrounding the flat surface. A smaller home constructed of hay and wood stood high beside him. Within it, Riyad could hear chickens clucking and fluttering in fear at the loud gunshots breaking their usual peaceful living. He brought himself closer into its shade and leaned over the edge with his finger on the trigger in preparation.

Riyad focused his attention on a few soldiers whose attention was already occupied with other members of The Resistance. He waited until their finger tightened around the trigger before ensuring that his gunshot that rang out before theirs could. His bullets would pierce their shoulders, arms, and chests before theirs could do the same to his team.

"Where is Farhan?" Riyad asked Kader once they united after the Occupational Forces had retreated from the violent confrontation. Where they had initially met no resistance, the bullets had quickly begun to rain on their soldiers from all sides to put a stop to their advancement into the city.

Kader tugged the scarf away from his features to take a large gulp of water. Beads of sweat trickled down his pale, clean-shaved complexion. "Arguing with the leader of the Northern Regime, probably," Kader replied with a breathless huff.

"Arguing?" Riyad repeated. His tone raised in question.

"Apparently, Mustafa's delivery of the news was not delayed. He says that the Forces had not intended to attack again but moved out quickly as if they'd received sudden orders or some news," Kader shrugged, his wide mouth pulling into a proud smirk when he turned to face Riyad. "Not that it matters, anyway. We did well, didn't we?"

When he noticed Riyad lingering behind, Kader raised his voice in question. It rang out easily now that it could no longer be muffled under his scarf. "Aren't you coming?"

"I'm going to walk for a bit," he handed him the rifle on his back.

Kader closed his eyes in remembrance. "Of course, your routine stroll. Do you want me to take Ta'ira back with me?" He offered.

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