𝟕. English Love Affair

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Phoebe is sitting on the couch, leg bouncing in frustration

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Phoebe is sitting on the couch, leg bouncing in frustration. She lost this fight. She's not used to the feeling, and she finds that she hates it. She needs to move on before she goes into the streets like a bloodthirsty monster. Losing means too much to her – more so than winning. Losing means disappointing people, disappointing Harrow. Winning just means that people pat her on the back and look her way with fear in their eyes. Winning feels like a condemnation. Losing feels like the death penalty. She wants to claw out the feeling from under her skin.

Maybe someone got luckier than her. Not that seeing Moon Knight kneeling wasn't a sight in itself. That may be the only thing good about today. Before he walked out.

She isn't sure why she thanked him. It felt like the right thing to do. It would be no surprise to say that Phoebe isn't particularly reliant on anyone. Zagreus is an attentive ear, sure. She lives off of scraps of Harrow's attention. She's grateful for them – but she doesn't feel the same thing for Moon Knight. Zagreus has to love her, he's stuck with her, he doesn't get a say in it. Harrow needs her if he plans to raise Ammit.

Moon Knight could have very well left her on the street and called the cops like he said he would. And yes, Phoebe was banking on his savior complex to get him to trust her, obviously. But he didn't try anything like she half-expected him to. He just brought her home. Patched her up. Told her to take care and left. There were no ulterior motives, no obligation to like her. He simply helped her, because he could. Out of the kindness of his heart.

Phoebe fears she could use some of it. But if she ever grows a conscience, the end of a bottle will be the only thing she sees before she goes.

She inhales sharply, scolding herself inwardly at how sidetracked she got. She meant to ask Zagreus something, before her mind went on a rant about the goodness of a vigilante. A sterile train of thoughts, truly.

"How did it go?" she asks Zagreus, focused on the Love Island episode she graciously put on. "With Kass, I mean."

Zagreus watches her from the corner of his eyes. "About as good as it did with Moon Knight. We got interrupted when you called for the Armor, but it was another dead end, more questions..."

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