𝟓. A Fragile Line

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Phoebe figures that this is a time of panic

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Phoebe figures that this is a time of panic. Or at least a slight inconvenience. See, she can deal with the lust in people's eyes when they see her. They deal with antics in a closed cellar, they obviously have never seen a woman in their entire lives. An alive one, at least. Which sounds worse than what she intended for, but who cares.

Thing is, the auction was going well. Rich people were getting robbed with very, very obvious fakes, and she was enjoying her time, sipping on a cocktail that tastes like peach and with a strong enough aftertaste of alcohol for her to know that the Bloodlust wouldn't be that bad until she could unleash it.

She noticed the parchment the second she got in. It wasn't one of the most interesting things to the auctioneer, going by the fact that it was half-hidden and not covered in gold, but it was there. From the seal she could see, and the way the light hit the paper, it was the real one, as far as she knew. The fact that it was kept in a glass cage under neon light was criminal and she would probably have to pick the paper piece by piece when she's done, but at least it was there and authentic.

And then, a certain lunar vigilante broke through the roof, and suddenly, people were running around screaming and crying and clutching their wallets like he was just going to rob everyone. Which, she figures, is a good reaction, but she was just too tired and drunk to care.

See, this is her problem. She's usually a very collected person when it comes to missions, but things have just been happening back to back to back these last two days. Can't she have a break? She knew Moon Knight would show up, yes, but considering how far along they were in the auction, she kind of hoped he'd be a no show... And the fact that Zagreus isn't here with her right this second does not help her nerves. They should have never split up.

She just wants to make Harrow proud. She wants at least a father figure to look at her with pride. She needs him to, if she wants to find a way to bring him home. She never really cared about her not finding one before him. But for that, the plan needs to work, and he needs to be here.

He shows up next to her, slightly out of breath, as if he rushed here and didn't appear out of thin air. She wonders for a split second what got him panting.

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