018 || And away we go

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I looked beside me. This was definitely not one of the drunk men. He was dressed too nicely, and instead of smelling like ash and alcohol, he had the distinguishable scent of cologle. 

I finally met his gaze. His piercing blue eyes bore into mine, unreadable as always.

"Did I interrupt something?" Max asked, looking away from me. 

His voice was calm, but the threat was obvious. The men backed away a little, one raising his hands and shrugging.

"Nah man. All good..." One said, nudging the others; they nodded quickly. I didn't want to look at him, but I knew Max's eyes were blazing. His grip on my waist tightened a little protectivly.

"Good." He growled. I was extremely aware of his hand holding me against his side.

My heart was racing. His thumb moved a little, stroking my hip through the sliky fabric as an effort to calm me but this just made my heart pound faster. We turned away and continued walking. I could still feel the gazes of the men behind us on me. I felt sick.

"You can let me go now." I muttered to Max.

"Not yet." He muttered under his breath. I bit my tongue.

Finally, we turned the corner, and we were out of sight. I pulled myself away from Max's protective grip. I was pissed. But also embarrassed. And tired. Emotions are so dumb.

Why are there so many?

"Where is your car?" Max asked after a short silence. I nodded towards Lando's car, which was parked only a minute away. A lot of people were crowded around it, taking pictures. He nodded and looked back at me.

"Are... are you okay?" He asked, running a hand through his hair. I scowled at him.

"Fine." I marched past him. It was just my luck that he was the one there.

"You could at least say thank you." He called. I spun around.

"Are you serious?" I couldn't believe him. "For what?"

"For getting you out of there! If I wasn't there, then you would have been in a pretty unpleasant situation."

"I can take care of myself!" I yelled. His fists clenched. "Why were you there anyway?" I paused. He hesitated.

"I was walking up my usual shortcut because that is where I live. If you must know," he snapped, pointing to a building a little way off. I scoffed.

"I'm leaving. I don't have the energy right now for your tantrums." I snarled at him before turning on my heel and marching towards the car.

"Fucking ungrateful..." I heard him mutter as we both walked out separately.

At the car, I had to take a couple pictures and sign some things, but I managed to get inside before too many people came over. I waved at them as I drove away, plastering a fake smile on my face that I could only drop when I was inside.

Tiredly, I rode the elevator up to Lando's floor, leaning on the side heavily. My feet were aching as I dragged myself down the hall. I fumbled in my purse for the keys and unlocked the door as quietly as I could so as not to wake Lando.

"Clem...?" A voice called.

"Lan, you said you wouldn't." I sighed, flicking the light on. Sure enough, there he was, lying on the couch, his phone lying next to him on the floor as if he had dropped it. His eyes were blurry with confusion, making me realize he had just been sleeping.

"How'd it go?" He asked in a croaky voice. I smiled and walked over to him.

"We can talk about it tomorrow." I told him, kneeling down in front of him.

𝐋𝐈𝐎𝐍𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐑𝐓 ~ | 𝘔𝘢𝘹 𝘝𝘦𝘳𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘱𝘱𝘦𝘯Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon