014 || Morning sunshine

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"That's P8, good job."

Sam's voice was heard over the radio. I swore under my breath. Only P8. I had only just made it into Q3. What was going on with me? I couldn't seem to focus. I sighed.

"Yeah, sorry." I apologized, knowing that Christian was listening. He said nothing. He was probably congratulating Max for getting P2. I pulled back into the pit lane.

At least Max hadn't won. Charles deserved this win. I saw the Monegasque driver leap out of his car, pumping his fist in the air. I felt like I had let down my team, so when I got out of the car, I just hurried away from the cameras, my helmet still on.

"Hey, why are you looking so down?" Daniel caught up with me. I paused a little to let him catch up. I finally pulled off my helmet and balaclava.

"I should have been better." I didn't meet his gaze. His features softened.

"Hey, P8 is still really good." He tried to comfort me as we walked towards my trailer.

"Not good enough." I shook my head.

"You can't be perfect all the time, Sabri. Don't be so hard on yourself." He put a hand on my shoulder. We stopped outside my door. I sighed and finally looked at him.

"I know, but it's hard. When Max is constantly doing so well." I shook my head.

"Max has more experience than you. Plus, he has bad days too; he's just learned how to overcome them. And you will, too. Just give yourself some time." He smiled warmly.

I nodded and thanked him again before he left. I went inside and closed the door behind me, suddenly feeling relieved. I quickly got changed into some baggy jeans and a red bull shirt before going out once more. I still had responsibilities.

Usually I like to go around the back of the padlock to avoid all the cameras, but today I decided to walk straight through the middle. I walked in, and immediately some fans ran up to me. 

I smiled and took some photos before ecusing myself. A couple reporters caught up with me, boxing me in and yelling questions over the noise. I definitely regretted my decision.

Thankfully, Carlos walked by; another crowd was around him. Everyone was momentarily distracted, giving me the perfect opportunity to slip through the crowd and hurry away. 

Lando had DNF'd for the third timethis season. I wanted to find him and comfort him, but I couldn't find him anywhere. He must have left already.

I decided to head to the Ferrari garage to congratulate Charles. I found him imeadily, surrounded by a sea of red. They all slapped his back and congratulated him. His face was flushed and sweaty, but his eyes were shining. He spotted me and quickly jogged over.

"Good job, Charlie! You really deserved it." I smiled. He grinned at me.

"Thanks. It's nice to have a win for once." He chuckled, ruffling his hair a little. I truly did feel happy for him, but I felt a twinge of jealousy.

"We're all going out tonight; are you coming?" He helped, snapping me out of my thoughts. He waited for my reply, his eyebrows slightly raised.

"Of course! I would never miss an opportunity to get wasted." I grinned.

I had some quick interviews before I was finally allowed to leave. Unfortunately, I had been able to avoid Max for the whole weekend, but that was sure to change. He was definitely going to be there tonight.

I finally arrived at my hotel, tired and feeling a bit like shit. I was surprised to see that there was a figure outside my door. As I drew closer, I saw a bottle lying next to it. My heart broke, recognizing the fluffy brown hair and shadowy eyes.

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