13. Niki

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Sunoo pov

Water started dripping from the ceiling. I could tell because the drops touched my skin, Leaving a cold and wet trace. The basement was almost completely dark. Sunghoon told us not to use any flashlights or other things that would make us stand out. So we didn't. We didn't want to risk being seen.

Heeseung and I tried to find the room Niki was held in like two moles in bright daylight. It was an uncomfortable feeling to not be able to see. It wasn't complete darkness that surrounded us. But we weren't able to see much either. Every few steps a small spot would light up. It wasn't bright enough to help us see the doors. We still had to narrow our eyes, but it did help us to find our way. We stopped every few steps, waiting for the spot to shine. 

"This must be it," Heesueng whispered almost unbearable. I took a deep breath before holding it in. Afraid of what was waiting for us on the other side of that door. They must have beaten him up even more before we got here. A slight creek filled our ears. There's no way Salvatore doesn't know we're here now. I followed Heesueng inside, holding my gun ready for whoever was waiting for us. After having a quick look around I realised there was no one inside here with us. No one except Niki. I gasped as I saw the state he was in.

His eyes were closed and swollen and his hands were tied above his head. He was hanging from the ceiling, making sure he wasn't able to sit or lay down. His feet barely touched the floor. His body must have been like this for a while now. He must be exhausted. I wasn't able to react, because of the scene but Heeseung cut down the robe holding Niki up almost instantly. It took me a few seconds to step in but luckily I made it in time. I caught Niki before he was able to fall on the floor. "Is he-"

I said once I saw the blood dripping from his chest. "I don't know" Heeseung pulled Niki away from me, laying him down on the floor carefully. "Check his pulse." He commanded as he grabbed his phone. I did as he told me and checked his pulse. It took me some time to find it. Causing me to feel a bit stressed. I needed to feel a pulse otherwise or I will go insane. When I finally found his heartbeat, giving me a bit of hope, I noticed It was barely there. "Barely." "Fuck-" Heeseung bent down as well checking where his wound was. He cut open Niki's black shirt revealing a wound in his chest. "He's been shot." My voice sounded shaky as I looked at his wound.

Heeseung's reaction to my observation was almost instant as he took off his jacket and placed it down on the wound.  He kept leaning onto Niki's chest making sure there was enough pressure on his chest. "Sunoo, take over" He commanded. I hesitated a bit before taking it over. 

As the blood started to leak through Heeseung's jacket. Many thoughts went through my brain. The chances of surviving a gunshot in the chest are slim. Only 14,3% to 36,8% survive. Depending on the placement of the gunshot and the amount of blood, I'd say Niki's chances are even slimmer. His chest was still moving, telling us he was still alive. This was something I only noticed just now.. I was trying to see more signs that could tell me he was still alive. "Niki?" I asked, a slight panic in my voice. how long his weak pulse would last was something I wasn't able to get out of my mind. After thinking things couldn't possibly get any worse in a situation like this Jay came running in.

"It's a trap," He said as soon as he entered the room. "Salvatore is at the estate." My mind went numb. No wonder it was this easy to get Niki out. Why didn't I think of this before? They abducted Niki as a distraction. They wanted Mae to stay behind at the estate. Two of our people lifted Niki up from the floor, probably to help him into Jay's car.

Jay's gaze looked normal. He's always been good at hiding his emotions. His ability to contain his facial expression is a gift. I stood up slowly, not wanting to let what happened to Niki distract me. "We need to go," Heeseung stated while grabbing my arm. I really hope they're able to give Niki all the help he needs in time...

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