Thankfully, with assistance of other voices that called their names, the two kids started to recover. Asim urged her sister to get up and help her to her feet as they heard the desperate calls of their parents. More whistles and explosions happened all around them as the children started to run, and Layontsin followed them as they ran through the field of fire and screams of other humans. While the kids ran, Layontsin caught glimpses of injured skypeople of many ages, from young to elder, laying down near flaming craters having been injured or....there was a gruesome scene Layontsin adverted her eyes away from as it made her slightly sick. They soon reached the place where the adults were, who were huddled next to the harmless metal creatures and calling out to them once they spotted the kids. Asim and his sister ran at them, the sister getting there first as she was more younger. Asim was about to leave the tree completely where he had stopped momentarily when another whistling noise pierced the skies and something small landed behind the tree that Asim left. Layontsin looked over from where she was standing and realized with horror that it was something that skypeople used to drop and cause explosions. The same things that were being dropped from the sky to the forest they were in. "NO!!!" Layontsin roared as she attempted to warn Asim about the explosion that was going to occur right behind him. But it was too late and to no avail.

The explosion tore through the tree, sending wood pieces all over the place, as well as a large burst of fire. The shockwave and the debris reached Asim and knocked him mercilessly into the ground as dirt also covered him.

Layontsin didn't have time to scream as the shockwave also reached to her and knocked her to the ground once again, hearing ringing for the second time. Smoke now covered the entire place, along with the fire that produced it. Some time later Layontsin recovered from the blast as she got up, coughing and flinching as the smoke filled her lungs and felt that some bruises were made on her body. She clutched her shoulder to ease the pain of her crashing down. The smoke still lingered as she moved around, limping because of the pain that was caused. Layontsin waved some of her hand around to blow the smoke away as she looked down in search for Asim. She soon found him, covered in wood splinters and dirt as he was bleeding from many cuts and deep wounds. The young skyperson trembled in pain and shock as he barely moved, eyes slightly opened as he was weak. Layontsin gasped and moved quickly over to him as she examined him, anxiety coursing through her as she didn't know what to do to help him. When she looked to the side, her nerves froze as she saw the frightening scenery of Asim's family all sprawled across the ground. All of them looked as if they haven't made it when she spotted their injuries.

Her thoughts were interrupted when she heard a droning sound slowly get louder and louder, making the anthro thanator look up to the sky in alert. She recognized the sound to be that of a flying metal beast, and she was right as a bright light immediately lit up the place from above. The wind picked up and blew away the smoke as the metal creature slowly descended to where the fire was, right where Layontsin and an injured young Asim were as she shielded her eyes when looking up. Seconds later the flying metal creature touched down and skypeople covered in black clothing and armor, carrying weapons, began to climb out from it and spread out. Layontsin snarled and bared her teeth at the skypeople when two of them, who definitely seemed like the leaders, as they approached the two. Like before, Layontsin was not part of the memory as the two went right through her completely. One of them, the accompanying one, knelt down at took out a strange flat square tool and held it over Asim's body, the tool lighting up and shining over the body, while the other skypeople searched the area.

Layontsin backed up a small percentage as she observed what they would do with the younger Asim before one of the skypeople spoke. "He didn't survive...leave him..." the leader skyperson said in a way that it was surprisingly understandable for Layontsin, looking over the child's wounded body with slight pity. "But...he can recover. He is...just right for us..." the one who was examining young Asim said, moving the flat square of a tool to show it to the leader. They looked at the tool, the to young Asim, and then sighed. "Take him" the leader said, making a hand signal to another skyperson that understood the order. Asim was carried by the other skyperson as the leader gave an order for everyone to return to the flying metal creature. "No...NO!" Layontsin shouted, moving to follow them. But it was no use as she couldn't hold on to anything except stand on the ground as all the black-clothed skypeople boarded the metal creature. Soon it lifted off, the doors closing as it ascended higher into the sky and leaving Layontsin running after them with no hope of catching up. "Come back!!!" Layontsin roared as loud as she could, voice breaking as she realized she could do nothing at all and slowing down to a halt. "Please..." she breathed as she felt pain in her chest grow unlike anything she has ever experienced. Then, after a moment, the place all around her started to shake as if an earthquake was happening.

The ground shook until it cracked and began to fall apart, taking Layontsin down as the ground collapsed and she was soon surrounded once again by darkness.

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