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Layontsin witnessed everything from behind the foliage.

From what she expected, the lone skyperson looked weak and small like the rest of his kind. Smeared in dirt, mud, moss, and looking as if it had only eaten a small meal in its entire pitiful life. What she didn't expect was that the skyperson was impressively persistent(and that they didn't wear the clear transparent mask that skypeople usually had). No matter where they went, the small alien ran through the forest like fire was chasing them. It's more, the thick branches and trunks from the forest didn't slow them down not one single bit. And it made her fellow hunters and some of their thanators they were bonded with almost give up because of how fast the skyperson ran away from them.

And even when they caught up to them, the skyperson put up an impressive show of resilience.

Layontsin kept herself hidden above in the branches, hopping from one tree to another as she evaluated the chase from above before thinking about making her move. From up there, she saw the whole thing unfold below her. The two na'vi hunters that rode on their thanators tried to encircle the skyperson and pin them down, but the skyperson attacked both of them instead of continuing running. It dodged the spears that were thrown at him with what looked like experience as he ran and jumped above them to give the riders a clean cut with its metal knife or wounds with its small weapon that made thunderous noise. The skyperson was relentless despite their smaller size as it continued to fight against the hunters and even the large thanators, including while the other hunters arrived and encircled them. The most impressive thing was that even when they wounded the skyperson, they continued to fight and dodge the na'vi hunters' attacks.

At one point it seemed like they were ready to give up and let the na'vi get to them, but instead they stabbed the spear that they took from one hunter and said something. Something that Layontsin didn't quite heard but confused the na'vi. That confusion was the only thing the skyperson needed to turn around and slip under them, before starting to run away again. The na'vi hunters went after them, making Layontsin continue following them from above and track the progress.

There came a point where Layontsin had a clear sight of the skyperson about to run at a slope, and then some thick leaves got in her way that blocked her view momentarily. The anthro thanator moved the leaves away from her and continued before stopping. When she looked down and forwards, she realized that the skyperson had vanished. Even the hunters seemed puzzled as they began to slow down and survey their surroundings for signs of the skyperson. Lowering down a bit while still remaining on the trees, she observed the na'vi hunters search the ground for tracks that could tell them where the skyperson has gone. The troubling thing was that the tracks ended abruptly, as if the alien has disappeared in thin air.

Nevertheless they continued to search for tracks on the soil even further from where the skyperson has disappeared. Yet Layontsin remained where she was perched on the tree branches to observe the higher ground. She had a feeling that the skyperson was still around nearby, hiding in plain sight from the na'vi hunters. And she also had a feeling that this particular one was not dumb like the rest of the skypeople that she usually encountered before. It was smart, smart enough to realize it's potential when it was outnumbered. Which gave Layontsin a sort of thrill she never felt before when she usually hunted prey or enemies. This new prey gave even the most experienced hunters a challenge, and the anthro thanator was up to it.

Soon afterwards the na'vi hunters decided to abandon the search for the time being and head back to camp, but Layontsin chose to stay where she was in hopes she could locate the skyperson. The anthro thanator continued to stay crouched on her perch high on the tree while the na'vi left, her long and flat tail flicking in anticipation as she waited. With the sounds of the hunters fading and the sounds of the forest now dominating all around her, Layontsin listened and sensed with her crest and quills on her head for any sound or movement that would alert her of anything in close proximity.

And her patience paid off.

From her perch hidden behind the foliage, Layontsin could see something emerging from what looked like a small cave right in the slope. Slowly the skyperson revealed itself once again, face exposed first before it brought its whole body out from its hiding spot. Now Layontsin could see more closely how the skyperson looked like. From what she could tell, the skyperson seemed like it was male, with short dark hair and the body build that belonged to the male gender. The skyperson had white tanned skin that stood out from the rest of the environment, wore a sort of black and green outfit that encased his entire body and was covered in dirt and moss. His eyes seemed the color of amber mixed with green, frowning as he scanned the place where he stood. On his waist was the small skyperson weapon and the knife made of metal that she saw him use before, typical for his kind. What interested Layontsin more was how the skyperson looked around, continuing to remain alert even when the na'vi have gone away. Those eyes...the eyes that he had looked similar to that of a fierce hunter despite his size and vulnerability. They showed no fear, and with no fear meant that it had a strong heart.....

Layontsin pushed her admiration of the skyperson aside and focused, not daring to loose sight of him. The skyperson continued to look around the place in search for threats before straightening up once more and relenting its prepared composure, muttering something in his alien language before turning around and starting to head away from the place. Layontsin was tempted to follow him before she stopped once she saw him stop in his tracks. He whirled around and returned to its composure, scanning the area. Although he couldn't see her, the anthro thanator realized that it could sense something nearby. Her, Layontsin realized with a start.

Wasting no time so that the skyperson wouldn't take another step away from her, Layontsin leapt from her hiding place and dived down onto him as she gave a loud roar.

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