ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 14

Start from the beginning

"It's alright, Lils, you can admit it. You think Potter's hot"

"I do not! Shut up!" Lily hisses, flashing a fast glance to her left, down to the table to check if it's necessary to say a silent prayer to Death to come and retrieve her right this second.

Because if James Potter had somehow heard that she feels even the slightest bit of attraction towards him, that she thinks in some way he's not too bad on the eyes, that would be it. Her whole life would be over, not even eighteen years old. A cooling sigh of relief escapes her upon the realisation he hadn't, too busy competing with Sirius to see who can balance the spoon on their nose the longest. He loses. Loses not just the competition, but his focus too. Because then his head is turning, turning right to where Lily's watching, as though he'd sensed those bright green eyes he'd written too many poems to count about on him.

When he meets her gaze, the corners of his mouth upturn and he gives a friendly nod of acknowledgment, returning back to his friends. No beaming grin that makes her eyes hurt, no sudden embarrassing serenade up on the table, no asking about the upcoming Hogsmeade trip. Just a light smile and friendly nod. And because that's all it was, Lily found herself smiling back, that was until she hears,

"I do not! Shut up!" Marlene mimics in high pitch, proceeding to drool at the mouth and make heart eyes to the oblivious boy.

Lily flushes again, huffing, as she spoons up some veg, "Give it a rest. We're friends, nothing more"

"I wasn't saying you were anything more. I was saying that you have the hots for him and those big, strong muscles" Marlene corrects, jabbing her fork in her direction, earning another eye roll and huff from Lily.

Romie smiles down at her own plate, feeling a strong surge of affection for the Gryffindor girls. This was them, this was normal. They're not acting any different, not being off with her because she's supposedly dating a Slytherin. Just Lily, Marlene and Mary.

"What about you Romie?"

Her head lifts, eyebrows furrowing at Mary's question. Bringing the glass of water up to her lips asking confusedly before sipping, "What about me?"

Mary exchanges a glance with the other two girls, communicating in a way that makes Romie's happiness falter slightly. The curly haired witch leans forwards, explaining,

"The whole Quidditch thing. You must be into it"

Because she's dating Regulus.

Whilst her shoulders want to deflate, sink into herself in disappointment because she thinks she knows where this is going, she doesn't let them. Instead, she does the opposite, keeps them firm, rigid, spine unwaveringly straight, unwilling to bend over, become a steady bridge for the others to walk over. She's not that type of girl, will never be that type of girl. Her lips part, voice plain and upfront when she replies,

"I suppose it's a nice perk. Like Lily said though, there's more to a person than Quidditch"

A hum drones out of Mary, beginning to coil one of her dark curls around her finger, "It was quite the move he pulled at the match"

Dedicating the match's win to her with the crafty golden snitch that's currently residing proudly on top of Romie's bedside drawers. Yes. Quite the move, considering the entirety of Hogwarts were watching, including their two desperately pining brothers. If it wasn't Regulus Black, Romie would have ensured he'd heard her applause, her excessive praise for such good thinking on his part. The last thing he needs is that outrageously enormous ego blowing up even more.

"Not even Potter's thought of that one for Lils before" Marlene pipes up, hands raising innocently when Lily shoots her a murderous look. The redhead sighs, turning back to Romie, offering,

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