"You say that like you're hoping he doesn't."

Silo doesn't answer. He only lifts his eyebrows as Kam approaches them.

"You're on time."

"And you brought a friend." Kam says. His expression is neutral, so Talay isn't really sure how Kam feels about Silo not meeting him alone.

"Cappuccino?" Talay decides to take that as a greeting and jerks his head in the direction of the drink in Kam's hand.

"Nope," Kam shakes his head. "Crio."

"You drink Crio Bru now?" Talay's eyebrows are raised.

"It's grown on me." Kam has a whole thermos of the surprisingly delicious stuff. It even tastes good cold. "Tastes a little better with cream, but I can take it black too. I'm guessing you're here because you know the question I asked Silo last night, about my dad.."

"You asked me a question about six hours ago," Now it's Silo's turn to jab. "Nina's not going to like this."

"If I gave a shit what Nina thinks, I wouldn't have called you." Kam says. "You got answers for me or not? I already know it has something to do with one of Wolf's old cases--"

"Khun Delagdo, not 'Wolf'," Talay corrects. "And it's closed cases. But yes."

"How?" Kam turns to Talay. "Bel's dad died eight years ago. My dad's been dead for six months. Are you telling me they really were killed by the same person?"

"It's a possibility." Talay hands the manila envelope over to Kam. "Silo sent me some files, so I dug around in the archives and found--things."

Kam takes the photo he found last night out of his pocket and hands it to Talay. "Things like this?"

"Delgado," The name pops out of Silo's mouth without the honorific 'Khun'. Talay is too busy staring.

"Yeah, that's Bel's dad," Kam confirms, not too comfortable at the moment with using either the man's surname or his code name. "With mine. You see what's on the table between them?"

"You called me because you found this." Silo taps the part of the photo where the USB is visible for emphasis, but everyone knows the statement is rhetorical.

"Do you have something you want to tell me?"

"That's why I told you to meet me here." Silo doesn't flinch under Kam's glare. "Open the envelope first."

Kam hesitates for just another minute, then picks up the envelope. It's surprisingly heavy. He glances again at Silo and Talay. When neither of the men say anything, Kam opens the envelope and pulls out the contents. There are several sheaves of paper of varying sizes, each held together with binder clips.

"More reports." Kam cocks an eyebrow. "These are supposed to be answers? "

"Just read the top one." Silo says. "Then we can talk."

Kam picks up the top one.

And chokes.

It's three sheets of paper, which makes it the smallest stack in the envelope. The top page has a photograph of a man in his late fifties, and the following written underneath the photo:


File Number: XXXXXXX

Name: Manirat, R.

Date of Birth: XXXXXXXX

Occupation: Automotive Industry, General Manager, XXXXXXXX

Reports to: ----

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