ཌHow it startedད

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A/n: You will have a fake name which will be written as f/i for false identity since f/n usually means for friends name or first name.
And c/n means crows name.

"I know it's dangerous y/n, so I understand if you decline." Oyakata-sama said calmly.

"I like the idea," you snickered, "so I'll accept, but how do I tell the others? I'll be gone for some time."

Oyakata-sama smiled: "How would you plan it?"

You: "How about kicking me out?"

Oyakata-sama: "Reason?"

You smiled amusingly: "You'll see, and while you're at it, enjoy the show."

-three days later-

"He's dead... " A demon slayer gasped in horror as he removed his fingers from the corpse's nose, "L/n-sama, y-you killed a person!"

"Are you kidding?! I just knocked him out!" you yelled in anger, "If he wasn't that annoying, none of this would've happened!"

The slayer stepped back in fear as he thought you would get rid of him in order to remove all evidence.
"Where do you think you're going?" you stared at him coldly and with that, the slayer ran for his life.

On the same day, the murder case got into the other hashiras and their master ears and since it was a taboo to hurt citizens, he kicked you out. Your colleagues stared at you in disbelief as you didn't took the whole thing seriously, and before you got kicked out forcefully by them, some of your male colleagues insulted you and even punched you in anger. With that you left the demon slayer corps.

"My brother is not a murderer!" you could hear your younger sister, also your tsuguko, yell in frustration. She had no idea what happened but she knew that you were innocent.

"I'll explain everything once I'm back,
s/n." you mumbled while trying to ignore the cries of your sister.

After walking away some distance, you heard another voice, "Y/n!" your crow, c/n, followed you in tears, "Let me come with you!"

-first month-

"This must be the place..." you walked through many rooms which seemed to be a labyrinth but with the given map you opened the final door.

"What can I do for you, dear guest?" the young man asked in the centre of the dark room while he placed his hands on the back of the chair.

"A different face." you got straight to the point.

The man gestured you take a seat at the lounger next to him. Then he carefully placed a skin mask on your face and started to paint the details such as eyes, nose, mouth and other facial features. After a long time, he handed you a mirror and you were unrecognisable. With that new face, you were a new person, not y/n.

"Looks good, skin painter." you gave him a thumbs up, "just to let you know, I'll be here often."

"Then how about we exchange names, my future regular customer? I'm Kenzo." he raised his hand at you.

"F/i. I assume that you won't tell anybody about your costumers information?" you shook his hand, while placing a pile of money on the table that was close to you.

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