The Quest - Percy

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Chiron POV (briefly):
I watched as Rachel's eyes turned green, and Green gas billowed out of her mouth. She started to speak in a raspy voice, the voice of the oracle:

A child of The Sky, The Sea, The Brains, and The Beauty,
They shall meet 2 girls and a group with a heavy duty,
But better watch out for the mysterious "beauty".
Guided by a goddess of war,
Many beings will become blood and gore,
Many lost souls will wonder, what more?
They may travel far a long,
And sing a final song,
But where they go, do they truly belong?

Then Rachel collapsed into my arms. And I immediately knew what to do. I galloped around camp until I found the Children of The Sky, Sea, Brains and Beauty.

Percy POV:
I went to serve the ball, but Thalia stuck her foot out in front of me and sent me tumbling to the ground. They all laughed at me, so I just lied there on the ground. Eventually I got up and then we started playing the game seriously. I served it over the net making it hard for Piper to get. She dived to her right and got it into a dig which Annabeth set and then Piper stood back up and ran to the net, spiking the ball over, Thalia just managing to dig it. I then dug it over the net which Annabeth set back to me. I dug it allowing Thalia to set it and then I spiked it, but Annabeth shot up with her arms erect, and sent the ball spiralling toward the sand. Piper came over and gave her a high-five, and then Piper's head turned to her left, and I followed her gaze and saw Chiron galloping towards us.

When he got to us, he stopped, breathing slightly heavy and then started, "Percy, Piper, Annabeth, Thalia... Rachel just gave a prophecy that involves you four, I believe."

"What?" I queried, "Another great prophecy?"

"Possibly, but I doubt it. The prophecy isn't really straight on, it's very open minded, giving you many spaces to fill in."

Then Thalia piped in, "Do we go to the big house?"

"Yes," Chiron finished, and then we all started jogging there, leaving the volleyball in the sand.
When we got there, Rachel immediately started speaking:

"Hey, I'm so sorry. I know that you thought that you would all have a normal life now that the Great Prophecies are out of the way, and I'm sorry that I have to make you embark on another quest, but, here you go," on cue, green gas billowed from her mouth,

A child of The Sky, The Sea, The Brains, and The Beauty,
They shall meet 2 girls and a group with a heavy duty,
But better watch out for the mysterious "beauty".
Guided by a goddess of war,
Many beings will become blood and gore,
Many lost souls will wonder, what more?
They may travel far and long,
And sing a final song,
But where they go, do they truly belong?

"Wow," Piper muttered, "that clearly states us doesn't it?"

"That is kinda scary," Annabeth added.

"And fuck me. Who are these undead souls?" Thalia asked.

"What about the Goddess of War? I hope that it's not Athena. She will kill me." I thought aloud.

"Oh shit. I hope it's not Mum," Annabeth sighed.

Thalia looked thoughtful for a moment, "Let's see, the two major Greek Goddesses of War are Athena and Artemis. There are many more Minor Goddesses, for example, Nike and Nemesis. And what do you take for 2 girls and a group?"

"Hmmmm," Chiron mumbled, "We don't really have any idea for those two, don't we. Nor the parts about traveling long, and if you truly belong."

"Where should we go, though?" I asked.

Rachel muttered, "Olympus."

Chiron nodded for a moment before saying, "Good idea Rachel. Go fetch yourself some food and rest. A repeat of a prophecy in one day is quite a lot. And you four," he pointed at the rest of us, "get yourselves ready to go to Olympus. We shall leave just after breakfast."

We all nodded and headed back to our cabins. I quickly grabbed my "inflatable" armour (Tyson made me armour that melts out of my clothes) and then I grabbed Riptide, and put on my good Nike Sneakers that were good running shoes. Better than my casual shitkicker sneakers. After that, I put my shield watch on my wrist and then the Conch Horn sounded. I quickly threw on a Goode Swim Team jumper and then jogged to the dining pavilion. At the dining Pavilion, Thalia was already there, her bow slung across her shoulder. She just wore her normal Hunter gear. I chucked Riptide into my pocket and then sat next to her. After a minute or two, Annabeth turned up wearing similar clothes to me (Tyson had also made her "inflatable armour"), and some Asics Runners, her hair in a messy high ponytail. She sat across from Thalia and they started talking in low voices. Another 3 minutes passed and Piper came wearing the exact same clothes as what she was wearing before, and the same Hairstyle, but around her waist, she carried her Dagger, Katoptris, in a scabbard. On her opposite hip was a small pocket. I'm not sure what was in the pocket, but I could see something bulging in it. Three minutes later, Leo turned up, his hair messy and yawning.

"Morning," Leo yawned, then he seemed to realise that we were all carrying weapons and looking a little gloomy, "What's up with you lot?"

I went to speak, but then our plates and mugs all appeared in front of us. Suddenly there was a ding from a spoon to a mug, and Chrion stood up and began to speak, "Now everyone, before you order your breakfast, I just wanted you all to know that a new prophecy has been given." Hushed whispers sounded all throughout the pavilion. I heard many things like, 'Oh no!' or 'What's the bets that it's a prophecy about Percy?'

"This prophecy," Chrion continued, "is a very unfinished Prophecy. It has given us little to go off. The main thing that we know is that the Prophecy put's the children of The Sky, Sea, Brains, and Beauty on a quest. It also says that they shall be guided by a Goddess of War, and will meet a girl and group with a heavy duty. Now, the young demigods that we have worked out that are in the prophecy are three of the seven and a hunter. Their names, Thalia Grace, Annabeth Chase, Piper McLean, and Percy Jackson."

The look on Leo's face immediately dropped like a bombshell. "But-, why not me?" Leo muttered.

"Now, let your breakfast begin!" Chiron roused. I put my hands on my plate and thought, Blue Eggs on Blue Toast, with Blue Bacon. And then I grabbed my goblet and thought, Blue Coke. The Dryads started flying around, putting food on everyone's plates. Soon, mine was piled high with the specifically blue food I had ordered. I quickly got up to give my offerings.

"Dear Poseidon, erm, Dad. Please promise me that nothing bad will happen to any of my friends on this quest because of me. I don't want any of them to die, or get really badly injured because of me." And then I scraped my portion into the fire. As I walked back, I could tell that the mood was relatively low and I sighed. After gobbling down my meal, I waited for Thalia, Piper, and Annabeth to finish and we bid our goodbyes. We walked over to the Apollo Table where Nico was sitting and told him not to worry about us. Then Chiron ferried Thalia, Annabeth, Piper and I to the Pegasus stables, and I saw Blackjack, and he brought a smile to my face. "Hey Blackjack."

D'you bring me any doughnuts?

"No Blackjack. I'll get you some at Olympus," I sighed shaking my head.

Oh yeah bro. That sounds like a deal. We then jumped on our given Pegusi and bid our final goodbyes, and then off we flew on our short trip to Olympus.

(A/N: Hey guys, I got exited and wanted to update soon, not sure if anyone is reading this, but word count is: 1350)

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