Part 3. His Reasons

Start from the beginning

'You got this,' I had mentally assured myself, 'It was just an illusion.'

Shutting my eyes, I abruptly stood up and fumbled to gather my books and stuff.

Still blindfolded, I clumsily tripped against the desk beside mine making me fall round with everything else I was holding. 

In my shock, I hastily rose, jumping like a scaredy cat, tiptoeing and making rapid jumps in an attempt to evade... myself? A half-gasp involuntarily escaped me amidst the commotion. 

It was then I realized... my shadow was mimicking my every move, and I had been foolish all along. 

To make matters worse, a classmate, likely returning for something forgotten, witnessed my embarrassing moment. The expression on their face revealed that they had observed my entire awkward spectacle.

Sigh. Perhaps one of my lowest moments ever.

I then feigned hiding my embarrassed face by pulling my hoodie over. Hastily collecting my scattered belongings, I departed without a word, passing by my wide-eyed classmate in a rush.

I didn't bother to check who it was, though it probably didn't matter. Considering the black hair and towering height, it was likely Hamish himself. 

But who knows? He wasn't the only tall, black-haired boy in our class. Jayden fit that description too, only he was way more mischievous. If it had been him, he would have likely mocked me or recorded the whole scene. So, I'm assuming it was the former.

Ugh, the memory makes me cringe. Why did my brain have to replay it with such vivid detail now? 

A chill runs down my spine as I realize the school entrance is slowly emptying, and each passing second brings me closer to missing the bus, if I haven't missed it already.

Sighing once more, I begin to stroll towards my usual shortcut. Whatever, at least something good must come out of this. I'll save more money and then buy the biggest ice cream at Delia's shop—the one with all the scoops and toppings. The one I'm not supposed to indulge in due to its sugar content. The one that is potentially capable of affecting me like one of those energy drinks and stunting my growth, or so they say.

Regardless, someday I'll buy it. Just not today. Right now, all I want is to get home safely and rest.

"Hey Randy, wait!" A voice calls out as I continue on my way. I could feel a hand reach my shoulder before I could even ignore it. 

I turn to face none other than Hamish. What is his deal now?

"Do you take the bus too? Damn, I think we missed it already, didn't we?" He blurts out, attempting to strike up a conversation. I'm asking this once again today... Seriously? What is Hamish's game? Is he aiming for friend of the year, or does he intend to blackmail me with what he saw today? 

I just can't decipher what are his reasons to bring up excuses to bug me all day.

I narrow my eyes at him. "Yes. Now, bye," I say curtly, shaking off his hand and resuming my walk.

"Hey, wait, I need to talk to you," he insists, catching up and walking alongside me.

Would he give up if I ignore whatever he wants to say? Fat chance.

Grunting in frustration, I finally relent. "What is it?" I ask, raising my head and facing him as I stop on my track. I have to raise my head more than just a bit for that. 

"Um, well..." he pauses a bit, "Can we talk about it on our way home?" he puts on a bright smile, although his eyes seem wary towards me. 

"Our?" I shoot back. I would prefer to walk on my own, thank you.

"I mean, do you mind if we walk together? Where do you live?" Hamish inquires, either ignoring my obvious guardedness or oblivious to it. 

Revealing where I live is out of the question, especially when I can't tell why the sudden interest.

"I'm not heading home, actually," I fib, hoping he gets the hint. Not feeling surprised at all when he doesn't.

"Cool, me neither. Wanna go somewhere else then?" 

He persists, following me as I saunter my way towards Delia's instead, accepting my defeat to brush him off.


Hamish slid into the seat opposite me, making himself comfortable at the same table. He'd bought a milkshake and was slurping it down like it was the elixir of life, not giving a hoot about intruding on my day. I just munched on a regular frozen dessert that is served as a glass and contains vanilla ice cream and strawberries. 

"So," he began, taking a final sip and clearing his throat before continuing. "Randy, I've been trying to talk to you all day because... well..."

Had he, though?

"Go on," I prompted, keeping it simple.

"Could you, uh, help me with my sister?" he asked hesitantly.

"Her?" I inquired, a bit puzzled.

"Yeah, she's kind of into you for some reason, which honestly baffles me because, no offense, you're the epitome of weird and creepy," he admitted, looking somewhat apologetic.

"Thanks for the insight," I replied flatly.

"No worries. Well, you see, she's been nudging me to get closer to you since we're classmates, so she can, you know, make a move."

Frankly, I couldn't care less about this situation. 

"Tell her I'm not interested," I said, rising from my seat and leaving my empty glass behind as I resumed my path. I could feel him following me with his eyes and I half-expected he would stop me to keep insisting, but surprisingly he didn't.

Perhaps he'd save the details about his sister for another time. Honestly, I wasn't particularly keen on dating someone who had to pester their brother to get closer to their crush, nor a person whose brother was just as the rest and judged me of creepy without even knowing me.

Handling my own issues is already enough for me.

Finally alone, I made my way home, thankfully evading notice from my cousins about my late arrival. Or so I had thought. 


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