Chapter 4

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It has already been an hour since we were teleported into the gymnasium and forced to watch my school life in front of the entire student body on the screen. I felt a bit thirsty, so I got up and went to the corner of the theater to get a drink from the vending machine.

I observed Sudou, together with Ike and his gang, heading to the exit door. Curious, I decided to go there and ask Sudou what they were doing.

"Hm? Oh, this? We were trying to break down the door," he said as if that was just obvious. "I mean, man, even though we already know it won't open, there's no harm in trying, you know?" he added. "I still can't believe this is happening, is all. Who would've imagined some sort of monitor with mysterious power teleported us all together in this theater and then forced us to watch your life spectacle. No matter how much I imagine it, this is just not possible."

I nodded. Even with today's generation's advancements in science and the development of new technologies, there's absolutely no way that everything we've experienced is possible. A proper scientific way to approach any situation is with a calm and rational mind. But what would happen if the situation you're experiencing is beyond science's control? Even if I keep my mind in control, I'm lost in knowing what to do.

Sudou looked at me as if he wanted to say something. He opened his mouth to speak but then closed it as if he didn't know whether he should say it or not. I encouraged him to speak his mind, and that's when he finally said it.

"Ayanokouji, this has been on my mind since everything happened, but... you were the one responsible for saving me from expulsion during the midterm exam, right?"

I didn't know how he came to that conclusion, but with every action of mine being revealed on the screen, there was no point in hiding it. So, I nodded.

"I knew it," he laughed awkwardly. "I mean, with you and your actions being shown on the screen, it would be dumb for me not to be suspicious about it, after all." He explained further, "Back then, when I asked Horikita what she did to save me from being expelled, she just kept quiet, implying she's hiding something." He concluded. "I don't know what you did, man, but you've saved me from expulsion twice. Thanks."

I found Sudou's reaction quite interesting. I had expected him to potentially lash out or deny it, insisting that it was Horikita who saved him. However, the Sudou in front of me was different from the Sudou I knew. He reacted unexpectedly and acted differently. While he may be partially right about my involvement, I then explained to him that Horikita had also helped him to prevent his expulsion, offering half of a hundred thousand points just to buy him a point to pass the exam. Hearing this, I noticed his mood changed greatly. He put his arm on my shoulder and said he would work hard to repay me and Horikita once he had enough points.

"Geez. Having friends sure is nice," he said as he returned to his seat with his gang, giving up on trying to open the door.

"Chiyabashira-sensei," I began, my tone firm but not unkind, "eavesdropping on your students' conversation is not a good practice."

Chiyabashira-sensei, realizing she'd been caught, approached me as the others left.

"Ayanokouji, what are you going to do now?" she asked, her tone strict but I could sense the underlying anxiety and concern in her voice.

I understood her intent in following me, and I replied, "Isn't it obvious? I'll stop helping the class."

Chiyabashira-sensei appeared shocked for a moment before regaining her composure.

With no more leverage over me, I felt free to make my own choices. I had no intention of helping the class any longer. Depending on what unfolded next, students might grow wary of me, or worse, target me. My peaceful life had already been disrupted by this strange ordeal, and I had no intention of letting it continue.

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